Making a World of Difference in the World’s Problems
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Iowa State University is where innovation thrives and the impossible is made possible. This is where your passion for problem-solving and hands-on learning can make a real difference in our world. Whether you’re helping improve the environment, creating safer automobiles, or advancing medical technologies, and athletic performance, the Department of Mechanical Engineering gives you the tools and talent to blaze your own trail to an amazing career.
Use Your Head and Your Hands
When it comes to hands-on learning, we’re all hands on deck. You’ll hit the ground running as you work alongside a diverse group of highly skilled professors and wicked-smart classmates to create tomorrow’s breakthroughs today. Along with a formal curriculum, you’ll be engaged in research projects, labs, and informal clubs working directly on groundbreaking engineering projects applying the principles you’ve learned firsthand.
Job Postings
Accepting applications now for tenured and tenure track Assistant/Associate/Full Professor.
Featured News

Alumni gift establishes the John and Nancy Hayes Department Chair in Mechanical Engineering
John and Nancy Hayes of Davenport, Iowa, have made a gift commitment to Iowa State University, establishing the John and Nancy Hayes Department Chair in Mechanical Engineering. The initial chairholder is Caroline Hayes (no relation to John and Nancy Hayes), who has led the department since 2012.
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Advancing “placenta-on-a-chip” with sensing and imaging technology
Nicole Hashemi and her students will advance a “placenta-on-a-chip” – which models how medicines, nutrients and other substances are passed from mother to fetus – with a new, three-year, $350,000 National Science Foundation Mid-Career Advancement grant.
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Flow state: Jake Knuerr builds new MRI to visualize fluid mechanics
Jacob Knuerr is building his multiphase flow research skills and connecting with scholars across the world as an undergraduate research assistant.
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Mechanical engineering’s Todd Kingston and Cary Pint receive NASA EPSCoR grant for battery research and infrastructure development
Kingston and Pint are investigating lithium-ion batteries in extreme thermal conditions, such as freeze-thaw cycles often encountered by spacecraft during lunar and Martian exploration.
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Cardinal Space Mining Club scoops up gravel, top awards at national competitions
Iowa State University’s Cardinal Space Mining Club recently won competitions in the mining arena and at NASA’s online challenge. “This is truly the best year in the club’s history,” said Jim Heise, the club’s long-time faculty advisor.
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Researchers team up to break down, upcycle low-quality, rejected plastic wastes
Researchers are integrating tried-and-true technologies (let’s unleash bacteria on the biodegradables then heat up the leftovers) and developing new ones (let’s try plasma that shoots “bullet” electrons) to break down waste plastics and convert them to useful materials.
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