A Comprehensive Review of the Phytochemical, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Properties of Tribulus terrestris L.
:1. Introduction
2. Chemical Composition
3. Pharmacological Properties
3.1. Pharmacokinetic Properties of TT Main Compounds
3.2. Antioxidant Activity
3.3. Sexual Disorders
3.3.1. In Vitro Experiments
3.3.2. Preclinical Experimental Studies (Animal Models)
3.3.3. Clinical Trials
3.4. Antibacterial Activity
3.5. Antihyperglycemic Effect
3.5.1. In Vitro Determinations
3.5.2. Preclinical Studies
3.5.3. Clinical Studies
3.6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
3.6.1. In Vitro Studies
3.6.2. In Vivo Studies
3.7. Action on the Central Nervous System
3.8. Toxicological Studies
3.8.1. In Vitro Studies
3.8.2. Preclinical Experimental Studies (Animal Models)
3.8.3. Case Reports
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year of the Review | Main Topic | Years Surveyed | Limitations | Reference |
2005 | Phytochemistry and pharmacology | <2004 | [6] | |
2014 | TT supplements | NS | [1] | |
2014 | Phytochemistry and pharmacology | short review | [7] | |
2014 | Phytochemistry and pharmacology | NS | short review | [8] |
2016 | Analysis of human and animal evidence | 1968–2015 | [2] | |
2016 | Phytochemistry | NS | Only the composition of fruits was discussed | [9] |
2016 | Phytochemistry and pharmacology | NS | [10] | |
2017 | Phytochemistry and pharmacology | NS | [11] | |
2018 | Male infertility | short review | [5] | |
2019 | Phytochemistry and ethnomedicine | NS | brief presentation of constituents | [12] |
2019 | Male infertility | NS | [13] | |
2019 | Phytochemistry and pharmacology | 1965–2017 | [14] | |
2020 | Phytochemistry and pharmacology | NS | the review is based mostly on Ayurvedic preparation The pharmacological effects are briefly presented | [15] |
Compound | Chemical Formula | Plant Part | Conc. mg/100 g | Plant Origin | References |
Furostanol Saponins | |||||
Protodioscin | C51H84O22 | aerial parts | 109–1530 | Bulgaria | [3,4,16,17] |
leaves | 1000–1330 | ||||
stem | 19–27 | ||||
fruits | 240–500 | ||||
aerial parts | 340–1000 | Turkey | [3] | ||
fruits | 10–60 | ||||
aerial parts | 220–790 | Greece | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 420–990 | Macedonia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 200 | Serbia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 560 | Georgia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 3 | Vietnam | [3] | ||
fruits | 1 | ||||
fruits | 63–89 | China | [17] | ||
stem | 24 | India | [17] | ||
aerial parts | 190 | Russia | [18] | ||
Neoprotodioscin | C51H86O22 | aerial parts | NS | Bulgaria | [16] |
Prototribestin | C45H73NaO20S | aerial parts | 130–2200 | Bulgaria | [3,4,16,19] |
fruits | 21–28 | ||||
leaves | 700 | ||||
stems | 40 | ||||
aerial parts, | 310–1000 | Turkey | [3] | ||
fruits | 17–65 | ||||
aerial parts | 220–790 | Greece | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 420–990 | Macedonia | [3] | ||
[3] | |||||
aerial parts | 170 | Serbia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 240 | Georgia | [3] | ||
Neoprototribestin | C45H75NaO20S | aerial parts | NS | Bulgaria | [16] |
Terestrinin A | C33H48O9 | fruits | NS | China | [20] |
Terestrinin B | C60H95O30 | root | NS | Georgia | [21] |
fruits | NS | China | [20] | ||
Terrestrinin D | C33H50O10 | fruits | 5.6 | China | [22,23] |
Terestrinin J-T | whole plant | NS | China | [24] | |
Terestroside A | root | NS | Georgia | [21] | |
Terrestrosin K | C51H82O24 | fruits | 1.27 | China | [22] |
Terrestrosin I | C51H84O25 | whole plant | NS | China | [23,24] |
fruits | |||||
Tribufuroside D | C45H74O21 | fruits | NS | China | [23,25] |
Tribufuroside E | C45H74O21 | fruits | NS | China | [23,25] |
Tribulosaponin A | C51H84O21 | fruits | NS | China | [26] |
Polianthoside D | C56H92O29 | root | NS | Georgia | [21] |
fruits | 59.6 | China | [22] | ||
Spirostanol Saponins | |||||
Dioscin | C45H72O16 | aerial parts | NS | Egypt | [27] |
aerial parts | 60 | Russia | [18] | ||
fruits, leaves, stem | 10–43 | Bulgaria | [3,4,28] | ||
aerial parts | 6–13 | Turkey | [3] | ||
fruits | 1–2 | ||||
aerial parts | 26–31 | Greece | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 13–15 | Macedonia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 87 | Serbia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 8 | Georgia | [3] | ||
Tribestin | C39H61NaO14S | aerial parts | 2–220 | Bulgaria | [3,28] |
fruits | 0.9–3.4 | ||||
leaves | 62 | ||||
aerial parts | 6.8–28 | Turkey | [3] | ||
fruits | 0.5–1 | ||||
aerial parts | 24 | Greece | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 7.3–10 | Macedonia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 210 | Serbia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 6 | Georgia | [3] | ||
Diosgenin | C27H42O3 | NS | NS | China | [29] |
NS | NS | Ukraine | [30] | ||
fruits | 86 | India | [31] | ||
Tribulosin | C55H90O25 | aerial parts | 0.1–7.7 | Bulgaria | [3] |
fruits | 2.6 | ||||
leaves | 0.8 | ||||
stem | 1.7 | ||||
aerial parts | 0.03–1.7 | Turkey | [3] | ||
fruits | 0.14 | ||||
aerial parts | 1.3–2.4 | Greece | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 0.68 | Macedonia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 2.24 | Serbia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 0.56 | Georgia | [3] | ||
aerial parts | 22 | Vietnam | [3] | ||
fruits | 420 | ||||
fruits | 1 | India | [3] | ||
leaves | 644 | ||||
stem | 185 | ||||
whole plant | NS | India | [32] | ||
Tigogenin | C27H44O3 | fruits | 0.05 | China | [22,29,33] |
Terestrinin U | whole plant | NS | China | [24] | |
Gitogenin | C27H44O4 | NS | NS | China | [33] |
Hecogenin | C27H42O4 | fruits | NS | Taiwan | [34] |
fruits | 0.4 | China | [22] | ||
Agovoside A | fruits | NS | China | [20] | |
Prosapogenin B | aerial parts | NS | Egypt | [27] | |
25R-5a-Spirost-3,6,12-trione | C27H39O5 | NS | NS | China | [33] |
25R-Spirost-4-ene-3,12-dione | C27H40O4 | NS | NS | China | [33,35] |
25R-Spirost-4-ene-3,6,12-trione | C27H38O6 | NS | NS | China | [33,35] |
Cinnamic Acid Amides | |||||
Coumaroyltyramine | C17H17NO3 | fruits | NS | Taiwan | [34,36,37] |
fruits | NS | China | |||
Ferulic acid | fruits | NS | Taiwan | [34] | |
Feruloyloctopamine | C18H19NO5 | fruits | NS | China | [36] |
Quinic Acid Derivatives | |||||
5-p-cis-coumaroylquinic acid | C16H18O8 | aerial parts | NS | Egypt | [27] |
5-p-trans-coumaroylquinic acid | aerial parts | NS | Egypt | [27] | |
4,5-Di-p-trans-coumaroylquinic acid | aerial parts | NS | Egypt | [27] | |
4,5-Di-p-cis-coumaroylquinic acid | aerial parts | NS | Egypt | [27] | |
Flavonoids | |||||
Tribuloside | C30H26O13 | leaves, fruits | NS | India | [38] |
Kaempferol | C15H10O6 | leaves, fruits | 18 | India | [31,38] |
Astragalin (kaempferol 3-glucoside) | C21H20O11 | leaves, fruits | NS | India | [38] |
Kaempferol 3-rutinoside | C27H30O15 | leaves, fruits | NS | India | [38] |
Kaempferol-3- gentiobioside | C27H30O16 | fruits leaves | NS | China | [39,40] |
Rutin | C27H30O16 | leaves | NS | Mauritania | [4,41,42,43] |
fruits, leaves | NS | India | |||
fruits, leaves | 70–250 | Bulgaria | |||
fruits | NS | Korea | |||
NS | NS | Ukraine | [30] | ||
Quercetin | C15H10O7 | fruits, leaves | NS | India | [42] |
Quercetin-3-O-arabinosyl galactoside Isorhamnetin-3-glucoside | C26H28O16 | fruits leaves | NS | China | [39,40] |
Quercetin-3-O-sophoroside-7-O-glucoside | C33H40O21 | leaves | NS | China | [39] |
Quercetin-3- gentiobioside | C27H30O17 | fruits, leaves | NS | China | [39,40] |
Quercetin 3,7-diglucoside | C27H30O17 | fruits, leaves | NS | China | [39,40] |
Isoquercitrin | C21H20O12 | fruits, leaves | NS | China | [39,40] |
Luteolin-7-O-β-D- glucoside | C30H18O11 | leaves | NS | China | [39] |
Isorhamnetin-3-glucoside | C22H22O12 | leaves | NS | China | [39] |
Apiotribosides A-D | roots | NS | Georgia | [21] | |
Alkaloids | |||||
Harmine | C13H12N2O | fruits | 14 | India | [31] |
fruits, stem, leaves, roots | NS | Turkey | [44] | ||
Harmane | C12H10N2 | fruits, stem, leaves, roots | NS | Turkey | [44] |
aerial parts | NS | Australia | [45] | ||
Harmalol | C12H12N2O | fruits, stem, leaves, roots | NS | Turkey | [44] |
Harmaline | C13H14N2O | stem, leaves, roots | NS | Turkey | [44] |
Norharmane | C11H8N2 | aerial parts | NS | Australia | [45] |
Tribulusterine | C16H12N2O2 | fruits | NS | Taiwan | [34] |
not specified | NS | India | [46] | ||
n-Caffeoyltyramine | fruits | NS | Korea | [36,47] | |
fruits | China | ||||
Perlolyrine | C16H12N2O2 | not specified | NS | India | [46] |
Amides and Lignanamides | |||||
Terrestribisamide | C13 H18NO5 | fruits | NS | Taiwan | [34] |
Tribulusamide A | C36H36N2O8 | fruits | NS | China | [37] |
Tribulusamide B | C36H34N2O9 | fruits | NS | China | [37] |
Tribulusamide D | C17H15NO5 | fruits | NS | Korea | [48] |
Tribulusamide C | C18H15NO6 | fruits | NS | China | [49] |
Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Esters | |||||
Oleic acid | C18H34O2 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Palmitic acid | C16H32O2 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
6,9,12,15-Docosatetraenoic acid, methyl ester | C23H38O2 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-, methyl ester | C17H34O2 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
9,12-Octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester (E,E)- | C19H34O2 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Phytosterols | |||||
β-sistosterol-D-glucoside | C35H60O6 | whole plant | NS | India | [32] |
Stigmasterol | C29H48O | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Other Compounds | |||||
ß-1, 5-O-dibenzoyl ribofuranose | C19H18O7 | roots | NS | India | [51] |
1,3-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester | C24H38O4 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Apiol | C12H14O4 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Octacosane | C28H58 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Heptacosane | C27H56 | stem | NS | Pakistan | [50] |
Herbal Drug and Subjects | Assay/Parameters | Outcome of Treated Group | Study Design Evaluation | Reference |
In Vitro Studies | ||||
Organ bath study of the corpus cavernosum from | Relaxation level | Concentration-dependent relaxation response | Part of the plant: NO | Kam et al. (2012) |
male rabbits | Origin: NO | [64] | ||
Phytochemical analysis: NO | ||||
Control group: NO | ||||
Appropriate Statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Human sperm from 40 healthy volunteers | Motility analysis | Motility ↑ * after 60 minutes of incubation | Part of the plant: NO | Khaleghi et al. (2017) |
TT extract | Sperm viability analysis | Viability ↑ * in a dose-dependent manner after 120 minutes of incubation | Origin: YES | [63] |
Determination of DNA fragmentation | No effect on DNA fragmentation of human sperm in vitro | Phytochemical analysis: NO | ||
Control group: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
In Vivo Animal Studies | ||||
Male adult Sprague Dawley rats, castrated and normal | Sexual behavior studies: MF, IF, ML, IL, EL, PEI | Treatment of castrated rats (with testosterone or TT extract) showed increase in prostate weight and ICP that were statistically significant | Part of the plant: NCS | Gauthaman et al. (2002) |
TT extract | ICP | Mild to moderate improvement of sexual behavior parameters | Origin: YES | [70] |
Phytochemical analysis: NCS | ||||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Male Sprague Dawley rats | ICP | ICP concentration-dependent increase in TT treated group* | Part of the plant: NCS | Kam et al. (2012) |
TT extract, Cornus officinalis extract and a mixture of both | cAMP, cGMP in corpus cavernosum | cAMP ↑* in the group treated with the mixture | Origin: YES | [64] |
cGMP no significant difference as compared with the control | Phytochemical analysis: NO | |||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: NO | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
-Male rats | Morphometric analysis | Testicular weight ↑* | Origin: YES | Oliveira et al. (2015) |
TT fruit extract and fractions | Gonadosomatic index | Gonadosomatic index increased in the group supplemented with ethanolic extract | Part of the plant: YES | [69] |
Sperm quality analysis: motility, | -Nuclear, cytoplasmic, and individual volume of Leydig cells increased in supplementation with hexanic and aqueous fractions | Phytochemical analysis: NO | ||
sperm count, | The extract influenced the spermatogenesis | Control group: YES | ||
morphology, viability | Positive control group: NO | |||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Male Wistar rats with STZ-induced diabetes (55 mg/kg) | Sperm characteristics, morphology | TT restored antioxidant enzyme activity in testis | Part of the plant: YES | Tag et al. (2015) |
TT fruit extract | Body and genital organ weight | Improved lipid profile content in serum | Origin: YES | [85] |
Serum testosterone, FSH, LPO level in testicular homogenate | TT treatment decreased testis tubular damage and restored it to normal morphology. | Phytochemical analysis: YES (identification reactions) | ||
Activity of testicular SOD | Control group: YES | |||
Testicular CAT activity | Positive control group: YES | |||
GPx, GST | Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | |||
Male Wistar rats with STZ-induced diabetes (50 mg/kg) | Testosterone | Sperm motility, sperm count, percentage of sperms with normal morphology ↑* | Part of the plant: YES | Ghanbari et al. (2016) |
TT seed extract | Sperm analysis: morphology, count and motility | Testosterone ↑* | Origin: NO | [67] |
Phytochemical analysis: NO | ||||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: NO | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Male Sprague Dawley rats | Time to exhaustion of over trained rats | Performance (time to exhaustion) ↑* | Origin: YES | Yin et al. (2016) |
TT fruit extract (saponins >70%) | Serum testosterone, corticosterone, AR, IGF-1R in liver, gastrocnemius, and soleus | Increase in body weights, relative weights, and protein levels of gastrocnemius | Part of the plant: YES | [66] |
Testosterone ↑* | Phytochemical analysis: YES (UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS) | |||
AR ↑* | Control group: YES | |||
IGF-1R ↓# | Appropriate Statistical analysis: YES | |||
Adult male Swiss albino mice | SOD, CAT, GPx, | SOD, CAT, GST ↓# | Part of the plant: YES | Pavin et al. (2018) |
TT fruit extract | GR, GST, GSH, 17β-HSD | GPx ↑# | Origin: YES | [65] |
Plasma testosterone | 17β-HSD activity in treated group was not statistically significant different as compared with the control group | Phytochemical analysis: YES (UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS) | ||
Semen analysis: | Testosterone ↑ | Control group: YES | ||
motility, vigor, membrane integrity | Motility ↑# | Positive control group: YES | ||
Histology of testes | No significant modifications in testicular architecture | Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||
Male Wistar rats | Sperm analysis: sperm count, viability, motility | Testosterone, LH ↑* | Part of the plant: YES | Haghmorad |
TT flower extract and | Serum testosterone, LH, FSH levels | All the treatment groups had higher number of Leydig, spermatogonia and spermatid cells | Origin: YES | et al. (2019) |
Anacyclus Pyrethrum dried root extract | Histological analysis of Leydig and Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, and spermatid cell numbers measure | Phytochemical analysis: NO | [68] | |
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: NO | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Sprague Dawley rats with type 2 diabetes induced with high-fat and high-sugar feeding and STZ (30 mg/kg) | ICP, MAP | ICP, ICP/MAP ↑ * | Part of the plant: NCS | Zhang et al. (2019) |
Gross saponins of TT (GSTT) | eNOS expression level | Nitric oxide ↑* | Origin: YES | [86] |
Nitric oxide level | ROS ↓* | Phytochemical analysis: NCS | ||
cAMP expression level | No significant difference between the GSTT group and the sildenafil group in increasing cGMP levels | Control group: YES | ||
ROS levels | Positive control group: YES | |||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Clinical Studies | ||||
20–36-Year-old men | Testosterone, androstenedione, LH levels in the serum were measured before and after treatment (24, 72, 240, 408, and 576 h) | No significant difference between TT supplemented groups and the control in the serum testosterone, androstenedione, and LH | Part of the plant: YES | Neychev and Mitev (2005) |
TT extract | Origin: YES | [76] | ||
Phytochemical analysis or standardization: YES | ||||
Placebo group: YES | ||||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: NCS | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Australian elite male rugby league players | Strength, fat free mass | No significant changes | Part of the plant: NCS | Rogerson et al. (2007) |
Urinary T/E ratio | No changes in urinary T/E ratio | Origin: YES | [77] | |
Phytochemical analysis or standardization: YES | ||||
Placebo group: YES | ||||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
20–22-Year-old athletes | CK, testosterone | CK ↑* | Part of the plant: NCS | Milasius et al. (2009) |
TT capsules | Anaerobic alactic muscular power | Testosterone ↑* during the first half (10 days) of the experiment | Origin: NCS | [73] |
Anaerobic alactic glycolytic power | Anaerobic alactic muscular power ↑* | Phytochemical analysis or standardization: NCS | ||
Anaerobic alactic glycolytic power ↑* | Placebo group: YES | |||
Randomization: NO | ||||
Double-blind: NO | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Double-blind, randomized trial | IIEF, SQolM, | IIEF ↑* | Part of the plant: NCS | Iacono et al. (2012) |
Male patients > sixty years with | Testosterone levels after 60 days of treatment, | SQolM ↑* | Origin: NCS | [74] |
reduced libido, with or without erectile dysfunction (ED) | Side effects | TT level increased | Phytochemical analysis or standardization: NCS | |
Treatment with “Tradamixina”, tadalafil | No side effects (headache, | Placebo group: NO | ||
nasopharyngitis, | Randomization: YES | |||
back pain, | Double-blind: YES | |||
dizziness, | Appropriate statistical analysis: NO | |||
dyspepsia) were observed | ||||
Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study | IIEF and serum testosterone were obtained before randomization and after 30 days of study | No effects as compared with the placebo | Part of the plant: NO | Santos et al. (2014) |
Healthy men, spontaneously complaining of ED, ≥40 years of age | Origin: NO | [72] | ||
TT extract | Phytochemical analysis or standardization: NO | |||
Placebo group: YES Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial study | FSFI score | FSFI ↑* | Part of the plant: YES | Akhtari et al. (2014)[83] |
Women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder | Origin: YES | |||
TT leaves extract | Phytochemical analysis or standardization: NCS | |||
Placebo group: YES | ||||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial | IIEF score | IIEF score ↑* | Part of the plant: YES | Kamenov et al. (2017) |
Male with mild to moderate ED | GEQ responses | GEQ responses ↑* | Origin: YES | [71] |
TT product: Tribestan®, | Phytochemical analysis or standardization: YES | |||
12-Week treatment period | Placebo group: YES | |||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Single-blind, placebo controlled, parallel study | MRS | Severity of menopausal transition sympt. ↓* | Part of the plant: YES | Fatima and Sultana (2017) |
Perimenopausal women | Severity of menopausal transition symptoms | MRS ↓* | Origin: YES | [82] |
TT fruit extract | Phytochemical analysis or standardization: NCS | |||
Placebo group: YES | ||||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: NO (single-blind) | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled trial, | FSFI score | FSFI ↑* | Part of the plant: NCS | Vale et al. (2018) |
Premenopausal women with diminished libido | QS-F score | QS-F ↑* | Origin: YES | [81] |
TT extract | Serum testosterone | Serum testosterone ↑* | Phytochemical analysis or standardization: NCS | |
Placebo group: YES | ||||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES |
Herbal Drug and Subjects | Assay/Parameters | Outcome of Treated Group | Study Design Evaluation | Reference |
In Vitro Studies | ||||
TT fruit extract | α-Glucosidase | Activity inhibition on all tested enzymes | Part of the plant: YES | Lamba et al. (2011) |
Aldose reductase | Origin: YES | [99] | ||
Phytochemical analysis: NCS | ||||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
TT seeds | α-Amylase | Concentration- inhibition of enzyme activity | Part of the plant: YES | Ponnusamy et al. (2011) |
Kinetic studies. | Origin: YES | [96] | ||
Phytochemical analysis: YES (identification reactions, GC/MS) | ||||
Positive control: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
TT leaves | Lipase | Activity inhibition on all tested enzymes | Part of the plant: YES | Ercan and El (2016) |
α-Amylase | Origin: YES | [95] | ||
α-Glucosidase | Phytochemical analysis: YES (spectrophotometric) | |||
Positive control: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
In Vivo Animal Studies | ||||
Male Swiss albino rats with STZ-induced diabetes (55 mg/kg) | BW, BG, Hb, HbA1c, TG, TC, HDL, LDL-c | BW ↑* | Part of the plant: YES | El-Tantawy and Hassanin (2007) |
TT aerial part extract | Histopathological analysis of the pancreas | BG ↓* after 2,4, and 6 h | Origin: YES | [98] |
HbA1c returned to the normal values | Phytochemical analysis: NO | |||
HDL ↑* | Control group: YES | |||
TG, TC, LDL-c ↓* | Positive control group: YES | |||
Histological structure was less affected as compared with the control group | Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | |||
Wistar rats with STZ-induced diabetes (50 mg/kg) | BG, BW, HbA1c, INS, GLG | BG ↓* | Part of the plant: YES | Lamba et al. (2011) |
TT fruit extract | Urinary albumin levels | BW ↑* | Origin: YES | [99] |
HbA1c, GLG ↑ | Phytochemical analysis: NCS | |||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Male Wistar rats with STZ-induced diabetes (40 mg/kg) | BG | BG, PT, APTT, TC, TG, LDL, ALT, AST, ALP, glucose-6-phosphatas, fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase, LPO ↓ * | Control group: YES | Kalailingam et al (2014) |
Diosgenin | HbA1c | HDL, SOD, CAT, GSH ↑ * | Positive control group: NO | [101] |
TC, TG, HDL, LDL, AST, ALP | Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | |||
PT, APTT | ||||
Hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase, fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase SOD, CAT, GSH, LPO | ||||
Male Sprague Dawley rats with type 2 diabetes induced with high-fat diet (HFD) + STZ (35 mg/kg) | BG, INS, BW | BG ↓ *, INS ↑ *, BW ↑ * | Control group: YES | Tharaheswari et al. (2014) |
Diosgenin | FFA, TNF-α, IL-6, leptin | FFA, TNF-α, IL-6, leptin ↓ * | Positive control group: NO | [102] |
HOMA-IR, HOMA-B, QUICKI | HOMA-IR, HOMA-B, QUICKI – improved values | Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||
In tissue homogenate were determined: LPO, GSH, SOD, CAT, GPx | Increased adipose tissue mass | |||
Histopathological analysis of pancreas | Enhanced PPARc expression | |||
Quantification of adipose PPAR γ | Good interaction of diosgenin with PPAR γ | |||
Glucose-loaded normal rabbits, | FBG at 30 min, 1, 2, 3 h after dosing | FBG ↓* at 2 hours | Part of the plant: YES | El-Shaibany et al. (2015) |
TT aerial parts extract | Acute toxicity study | No toxicity | Origin: YES | [100] |
Phytochemical analysis: YES (TLC) | ||||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: YES | ||||
Appropriate Statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Male Wistar rats with STZ-induced diabetes (55 mg/kg) | BG | BG ↓* | Part of the plant: YES | Tag et al. (2015) |
TT fruit extract | INS | INS ↑* | Origin: YES | [85] |
Phytochemical analysis: YES (identification reactions) | ||||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positiv control group: YES | ||||
Appropriate Statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Sprague Dawley rats with type 2 diabetes induced with high-fat and high-sugar feeding and STZ (30 mg/kg) | BG | BG ↓ | Part of the plant: NO | Zhang et al. (2019) |
Gross saponins of TT | BW | No significant differences in BW | Origin: YES | [86] |
Phytochemical analysis: NCS | ||||
Control group: YES | ||||
Positive control group: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Clinical Studies | ||||
100 Patients suffering from DM with microalbuminuria | BG | BG ↓ * | Part of the plant: NCS | Ramteke et al. (2012) |
Ayurvedic preparation with TT | BP | BP ↓ * | Origin: NCS | [105] |
Urine albumin | Urine albumin ↓* | Phtochemical analysis or standardization: NO | ||
Placebo group: NO | ||||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: NCS | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES | ||||
Double-blind randomized placebo controlled clinical trial | FBG, BG 2-hour postprandial HbA1c | BG ↓* | Part of the plant: NCS | Samani et al. (2016)[104] |
Ninety-eight women with diabetes mellitus type 2 | TG, TC, LDL, HDL | TC, LDL ↓* | Origin: YES | |
TT extract | HbA1c, TG, HDL - no significant differences as compared with the placebo | Phtochemical analysis or standardization: YES | ||
Placebo group: YES | ||||
Randomization: YES | ||||
Double-blind: YES | ||||
Appropriate statistical analysis: YES |
Compound | Toxicological Information |
Diosgenin | Oral LD50 (rat) > 8 g/kg |
Intraperitoneal LD50 (rat) 4872 mg/kg | |
Oral LD50 (mouse) > 8 g/kg | |
Intraperitoneal LD50 (mouse) 3564 mg/kg | |
Dioscin | Subcutaneous LD50 (mouse) >300 mg/kg |
Oral TDLo (rat) 1050 mg/kg/1W (intermittent) | |
Oral TDLo (mouse):400 mg/kg/10D (intermittent) | |
Tigogenin | Intraperitoneal LDLo (rat):10 mg/kg |
Harmine | Intramuscular TDLo (man):3 mg/kg |
Intravenous LDLo (cat) 10 mg/kg | |
Subcutaneous LDLo (frog) 300 mg/kg | |
Subcutaneous LD50 (mouse) 243 mg/kg | |
Intravenous LDLo (mouse) 50 mg/kg | |
Subcutaneous LD50 (rat) 200 mg/kg | |
Harmane | Intraperitoneal LD50 (mouse) 50 mg/kg |
Interperitoneal TDLo (rat) 1 mg/kg | |
Intraperitoneal LD50 (rabbit) 200 mg/kg | |
Harmaline | Subcutaneous LD50 (rat) 120 mg/kg |
Subcutaneous LD50 (mouse) 120 mg/kg | |
Intraperitoneal TDLo (rat) 4 mg/kg | |
Norharmane | Oral TDLo (rat) 1050 mg/kg/6W (continuous) |
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Share and Cite
Ștefănescu, R.; Tero-Vescan, A.; Negroiu, A.; Aurică, E.; Vari, C.-E. A Comprehensive Review of the Phytochemical, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Properties of Tribulus terrestris L. Biomolecules 2020, 10, 752. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom10050752
Ștefănescu R, Tero-Vescan A, Negroiu A, Aurică E, Vari C-E. A Comprehensive Review of the Phytochemical, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Properties of Tribulus terrestris L. Biomolecules. 2020; 10(5):752. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom10050752
Chicago/Turabian StyleȘtefănescu, Ruxandra, Amelia Tero-Vescan, Ancuța Negroiu, Elena Aurică, and Camil-Eugen Vari. 2020. "A Comprehensive Review of the Phytochemical, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Properties of Tribulus terrestris L." Biomolecules 10, no. 5: 752. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom10050752
APA StyleȘtefănescu, R., Tero-Vescan, A., Negroiu, A., Aurică, E., & Vari, C.-E. (2020). A Comprehensive Review of the Phytochemical, Pharmacological, and Toxicological Properties of Tribulus terrestris L. Biomolecules, 10(5), 752. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom10050752