The Mobile Map SDKs power the most compelling map experiences for Android and iOS with dynamic rendering capabilities, powerful map controls and a modern developer experience.
A user who uses Mapbox services within your web application during your month-long billing period. Each user may make unlimited Vector Tiles API and Raster Tiles API requests.
Mapbox GL JS
Mapbox GL JS is a JavaScript library for vector maps on the Web. Its performance, real-time styling, and interactivity features set the bar for anyone building fast, immersive maps on the web. A map load occurs whenever a Map object is initialized, offering users unlimited interactivity with your web map.
A map load is counted every time Mapbox GL JS initializes on a webpage or in a web app. A map load includes unlimited Vector Tiles API and Raster Tiles API requests.
Generate static map images from Mapbox styles. These images can be displayed on web and mobile devices without the aid of a mapping library or API.
A single request for a PNG image with customizable height and width generated from a GL style.
Tilequery API
Retrieve data about specific features from a vector tileset, based on a given latitude and longitude.
A single query for geographic features in one or more Mapbox-hosted vector tilesets at a given latitude and longitude.
A single tile request from a vector tileset. This is typically one of a series of requests used to render vector-based slippy maps.
Static Tiles API
Retrieve raster tiles generated from Mapbox styles. Well-suited for maps with limited interactivity or use on devices that do not support WebGL.
A request for a single raster tile generated from a GL style. This is typically one of a series of requests to make Mapbox.js, Leaflet, or other raster-based slippy maps.
Raster Tiles API
Retrieve raster tiles generated from satellite imagery tilesets and tilesets generated from raster data uploaded to Mapbox.
A single tile request from a raster tileset like Mapbox Satellite or another Mapbox-hosted raster tileset. This is typically one of a series of requests used to make slippy maps.
Create interactive search experiences for addresses, places, and points of interest. Transactions are billed on a per-session basis.
A search session is a series of /suggest and /retrieve API calls that are bundled together for billing purposes. A session includes 50 /suggest calls, and 1 /retrieve call, and it will automatically expire after 2 minutes of inactivity.
*Introductory preview pricing will be effective for API requests made before August 1st, 2025.
Get a list of POIs for a given category (e.g., coffee shops around me), or get addresses and POIs around a given coordinate (e,g, what is around 33.9416° N, 118.4085° W).
Request to /category and /reverse endpoints are billed on a per-request basis.
*Introductory preview pricing will be effective for API requests made before August 1st, 2025.
Find places, addresses, or points of interest by address, name, or with geographic coordinates.
A monthly amount of single search queries for places, addresses, or points of interest by name or geographic coordinate.
Permanently store forward and reverse search results, make batch geocoding requests, or both. Results from the Permanent Geocoding API are only available for your own personal or business use, and cannot be used for distribution or sublicense.
A monthly amount of single search queries for places, addresses, or points of interest by name or geographic coordinate. If you're interested in using this API, please contact Mapbox sales.
Address Autofill
Autofill takes forward geocoding and automatically separates the address components to be used to quickly fill out a form, and returns a mini-map. Transactions are billed on a per session basis.
The total number of user autofill sessions during your month-long billing period. Each session may include unlimited Temporary Geocoding API requests.
Tileset jobs are billed per processed megabyte and per processed compute unit (CUs) for each successfully published tileset. CUs represent the compute resources required to process a tileset job.
The total file size (in megabytes) of the MTS tileset source or Uploads API upload processed by Mapbox. Processed megabytes will appear on your invoice as Tilesets Processing File Size.
A compute unit (or CU) corresponds to the compute and processing resources a tileset processing job consumes. Most vector tileset processing jobs range from 0.3 to 5 CUs. More information is available in the tilesets pricing guide. Processed CUs will appear on your invoice as Tilesets Processing CU.
Tileset Hosting
The number of custom tilesets multiplied by the days per month you host each tileset. For example, 3 tilesets hosted for 15 days is 45 tileset hosting days.
Tileset hosting is metered daily as Tileset Hosting Days, which is the number of tilesets hosted for all or part of a day. For example, 3 tilesets hosted for 15 days is 45 tileset hosting days. Tileset hosting will appear on your invoice as Tileset Hosting Days. Mapbox default tilesets are exempt.
Use powerful neural networks to understand the roadway in real time.
Retrieve map data along the probable path of a vehicle to anticipate conditions ahead.
Free via Navigation SDK
A commercial application license consists of an annual fee and monthly seat cost. A commercial application license is required for in-vehicle implementations (including ground, aerial, manned and unmanned vehicles), business intelligence or analytics software, sales performance management software, cloud database management systems, and real estate software integrations.
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- 3 business days first response time
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- Guaranteed first response in 1 or 3 business days .for P2 or P3 tickets, respectively
- 4 hour emergency response .within Mapbox Support business hours
- Tailored advice on technical best practices
- Custom implementation advice
Mapbox is a core part of your business and you are looking for a strategic partner and customized technical support solutions.
- Private collaboration spaces
- Dedicated Support Engineer
- Emergency response within 30 minutes
- Mapbox code snippets, demos, and examples
- Phone or video calls
- Eligible for Technical Program Management support for complex deliveries