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LRP Online Application

If you have an eRA Commons ID, start your LRP application here:

NIH requires users to change their passwords every 90 days. Confirm that your Commons password is current by visiting

The NIH Loan Repayment Application is now powered by ASSIST

What is ASSIST?

The Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST) system is used to prepare and submit applications electronically to NIH and other Public Health Service agencies.

What do I need to start an LRP application in ASSIST?

You need an eRA Commons ID to start and submit your LRP application.

Where can I get a Commons ID?

If you don’t have an eRA Commons ID, CLICK HERE to get one.

When will I be required to use two-factor authentication to log into eRA modules like ASSIST?

To ensure the security of your eRA account, we are phasing in the requirement to use two-factor authentication (using or a qualified InCommon Federated account). All scientific account holders (e.g., LRP applicants, referees, and mentors) should take action now to ensure continued access to their accounts, while administrative account holders (e.g., IBOs) who hold more than one account will be required to move to two-factor authentication in 2024. Learn more about when you need to make the transition and what steps you should take when using or InCommon Federated accounts.

I need to submit information in support of an LRP application. Where can I find more information?

Referees/Recommenders | Reference Letter Submission | Roles and Responsibilities
Research Mentors | Mentor Letter Submission | Roles and Responsibilities
Institutional Business Officials | IBO Portal | Roles and Responsibilities