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LRP Application Instruction Guide

Extramural LRP

The Extramural LRP application period opens on September 1 each year. The Extramural LRP is for researchers who are not employed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Extramural LRP applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Extramural LRP Application Instruction Guide in its entirety prior to starting an application. Doing so will greatly streamline the application process and allow applicants to make a timely submission.

Download Extramural Guide

Intramural LRP

The Intramural LRP application period opens on the first business day of January each year. The Intramural LRP is for researchers employed by the NIH. Intramural LRP applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Intramural LRP Application Instruction Guide in its entirety prior to starting an application. Doing so will greatly streamline the application process and allow applicants to make a timely submission.

Download Intramural Guide

eRA Commons

When applying for an LRP award in ASSIST, applicants must have an eRA Commons account with the Principal Investigator (PI) role affiliated at their current organization. Applicants may start and work on an LRP application without the PI role, but they cannot submit the application until they have the appropriate role and affiliation.

LRP Commons Overview

Video Tutorials

To help LRP applicants navigate their way through the LRP application process in ASSIST, we created a series of video tutorials that cover different topics such as application submission, mentor and reference letter submission, IBO certification, and checking on the application status after submission.

LRP Video Tutorials