Regular Donations
Regular donations to the Society can be made by direct debit or standing order. To set up a regular standing order please contact [email protected]
Direct Debit
LMS members
If you are a current LMS member who already pays by direct debit you can add an annual donation to your existing direct debit for membership fees. Annual donations are usually collected on, or just after, 1 November each year, at the same time as the annual collection of LMS Membership fees. If you wish to do this, please sign in to the LMS website and go to the My LMS Membership tab here.
If you do not currently have a direct debit in place, you can set up a new direct debit for donations. To do this please follow the instructions here.
Non-LMS members
The direct debit option is not currently available for non-LMS members but it is hoped that it will be in the near future.
Other Ways to Donate
A De Morgan Donation is a Donation to the Society of £1,865 or more. The Society is immensely grateful to anyone who is able to make a donation at this level. For details see here
Donations of up to £5,000 may be made by card payment online. If you would like to make a donation of more than £5,000, please contact [email protected].
Donations can also be made either by cheque payable to the London Mathematical Society, or by direct bank transfer. Should you wish to use this latter method, or to otherwise discuss your donation, please contact [email protected]. If you are a UK tax payer, remember to use the gift aid form either on line or on paper using the pdf form below.
Donations or sponsorship from corporate bodies are also very welcome. To discuss this, please contact [email protected]
Gift Aid
Donations are a tax-efficient way of giving to the Society. The LMS is able to reclaim Gift Aid on donations made by UK tax payers without any extra cost to the donor. If you are a UK tax-payer, you can boost your donation by 25% by ticking the Gift Aid box and allowing the Society to reclaim 25p for every £1 you give from HMRC.
Information on Gift Aid (external website)
Gift Aid declaration form (PDF)
US Taxpayers
US taxpayers can make tax-deductible donations in US dollars or by other means to the LMS via the British Schools and Universities Foundation of which the LMS is an approved partner institution. For general guidance on US rules for making charitable tax deductions, please see here.
BSUF (Federal Tax ID 13-616-1189) is approved as an exempt charitable organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under code Section 501(c)(3). Donations are made to BSUF with donors expressing a preference for the institution they wish to support. Such preferences are respected by the Foundation but all grants are made at its sole discretion, as required by the IRS. Further details of how to make the donation can be found here. Donations will be acknowledged by the BSUF and your donation will be forwarded to the LMS.
You can donate online by credit card or send a check. If you donate by check, it should be written to the order of the British Schools & Universities Foundation and you should express a preference for the London Mathematical Society in your transmittal form and on your check.
Checks should be sent to BSUF, 575 Madison Avenue, Suite 1006, New York, NY 10022-2511.
As explained on the BSUF website here, on-line donations can be made through Network for Good, but please note that they take a small percentage as a service charge, so for large donations it is preferable to use a check.
Donations can be made from Donor Advised Funds by granting to BSUF and requesting the use of the grant be for the London Mathematical Society. Donations can also be made in securities or by wire; please refer to the instructions on the BSUF website here.
Donations should be postmarked on or before 31 December to qualify for current-year tax deduction.
For further information, please contact the LMS’s US BSUF representative Professor Tim Riley [email protected]. or [email protected]
Leaving a Legacy
Legacies are a tax-efficient way of giving to the Society as legacies to charities are completely free of inheritance tax (for UK tax payers) and thus the Society will receive all that you leave to it.
Here are some detailed notes on how to go about this.
If you are contemplating making a substantial donation or remembering the Society in your Will, you would be welcome to contact the President ([email protected]) or the Executive Secretary, Simon Edwards ([email protected], 020 7291 9979).