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Magnus Maximus
Magnus Maximus: emperor in Gaul (r.383-388).

- full name and date of birth unknown
- Spring 383: Magnus Maximus Augustus
- Britannicus maximus
- 28 July 388: executed
Successor of: Gratian
- son: Flavius Victor
- daughter: Sevira, married to Vitalinus (Vortigern?)
- daughter: Maxima, married to Ennodius
- grandson: Petronius Maximus (?)
Main deeds:
- 383 Proclaimed emperor by British troops; Gaul and Spain side with Magnus Maximus; he allies himself to the Franks
- The official emperor Gratian is captured by Andragathius, an officer of Magnus; executed
- 384 Consul (only in the west); recognized in the east by Theodosius I; conflict with Martin of Toursnote
- 385 Execution of the Christian ascetic Priscillian
- 387 Magnus Maximus invades Italy; Valentinian II flees to Theodosius I, who promises help
- 388 Consul II (only in the west); Theodosius defeats Magnus Maximus, who is captured near Aquileia, and executed
Buildings: Trier