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teaching in entries

Horrifying child

I have a student who is often destructive, violent, and disconcerting to speak to. We shall call her "Milly." Here are some of the things Milly has done in the time I have known her: Threatened to murder another child's entire family. We raised butterflies from a kit, and it did not go well.…

My contributions to society

The first few days of my recovery from surgery were spent sleeping through two seasons of Spongebob. I have tried watching the third season of Stranger Things, since I keep seeing spoilers across the internet, but it's just too interesting for my brain to handle right now. I can't watch it without…

TV + work + love daydreams

This weekend I finished watching Stranger Things 3. I am grateful to have somehow avoided any major spoilers, especially because that last episode was a wild fuckin' ride. I think what I liked most about it was the masterful ebb and flow of tension. There were moments where the dread and anxiety…

teaching in communities

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teaching in blogs

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    Journal: {{user.journal_title}}