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lord of the rings

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lord of the rings in entries

The Fall of Gondolin

The Fall of Gondolin Wandering into a dark forest and becoming enchanted (Stockholm Syndrome’d) by an immortal bad boy is how many fanfics on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own begin. Tolkien is regarded as the father of modern fantasy and is credited with popularizing the concept of sexy elves. Many…

New Fic: Live and Let Die

Title: Live and Let Die Author: Michelle Email: michelle [at] Summary: Sometimes, there is no happily ever after. Pairing: Aragorn/Legolas Genre: slash, darkfic Rating: M Warning: AU, character death. This picks up where “Dark Chest of Wonders” ended. Therefore,…

New Fic: Blood Moon

New Fic: Blood Moon Title: Blood Moon Fandom: Lord of the Rings Author: Michelle Email: michelle [at] Beta: WGR , all remaining mistakes are my own, my precious. Summary: A wolf haunts these lands, they say. Series: Untamed Timeline: 42 Fo. A.…

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