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faramir in entries


On a roll, on a roll....(with drabbles...for good or bad ;) For the tolkien100 "In your Dreams" challenge A tumultuous, intertwining endless maze of despair pulled him closer to the abyss. It was hot, suffocating and there was no chance to breathe. He found that he was struggling to see the…

Summer Thunderstorms

But this came from the muse after tolkien100 put "Summer thunderstorms" as the prompt The August thunderstorm caught the hobbits off-guard; each was deep in thought. Merry thought about Rohan and King Theoden, wondering wistfully when he would return again. Pippin was eager to be homeward…

Belated birthday mathom

for my fave ladies Shirebound (3/28) and Grey_wonderer (3/24) from all the things that i've written lately, i think this one is suitable for a birthday. :) Double drabble within (Frodo and Faramir post Quest) Relief and Gratitude “It is great to see you on the path of recovery, Frodo. What a…

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