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Possible Downfall

Me and Milleh are back together again, honestly despite the diasterous weekend, we're sticking together. Things are pretty happy and I'm more then happy to be back together but once again these next two months will prove to be quite testing, I'll go into this a bit later. Ended up picking up a…

This is the future

Yay, Schumacher is back, Schumacher is back, squeeeeeeeee! Ok, now that I've got that off my chest....... I still haven't done my tax return yet, having 7 group certificates is making things such a god damn nightmare, including an adjusted one and another which is still yet to come. I said that…

Long Weekend

First of all, I'm trying to edit my livejournal to put a background, but the background colour is overwriting it, (if you right click view background image on my plain image, you'll get a pretty interesting variant of the default windows desktop, ^^), anyone out there who can help? I've sold out…

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  • {{user.ago}}
    Name: {{}}
    Journal: {{user.journal_title}}