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bible in entries

Truth or Lies — You Need to Decide What You'll Believe.

God would have us know His truth. He won't force-feed truth to us. He's given us His word and has left it up to us to read, to study, to live its truth. Some of these truths are more complex than others, but there is nothing we can't comprehend that our Lord won't help us to know if we need to…

Satan Is Destroyed.

(Excerpt) THE DESTRUCTION OF SATAN Will Satan be destroyed? This question may seem strange to some, for we are aware that there are some who regard the eternity of Satan as well settled in their minds as the eternity of God. In the popular opinion the devil and his angel will never cease to…

Do you want to know what happens to Satan when Jesus Christ returns? This Bible study reveals that truth right there in God's Holy Word! Did the ancient realm of Babylon really exist? Yes. Did the Medo-Persian rule really exist? Yes. Did Alexander the Great conquer Medo-Persia for Greece?…

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