Those living with Lewy body dementia, care partners, and others can connect to the licensed professionals with LBDA Support Services through the LBDA Lewy Line or email.
Support Services (and its national network of volunteers) can:
- Listen compassionately and confidentially to challenges and share their own personal experience with LBD, as appropriate
- Offering emotional support
- Refer families to additional LBDA programs and services, as appropriate for their needs – such as support groups and Lewy Buddies (Lewy Buddies are lived-experience volunteers who share their time and experience with families)
- Help identify information and community resources concerning the diagnosis and care of a person with LBD
We are unable to provide direct referrals for residential facilities or home care agencies. LBDA does not promote any doctor, medical center, other healthcare provider, medication, product or treatment. LBDA has made no independent examination of any professional’s qualifications, education, experience or other credentials of those with whom we have linked, the validity or suitability of the services or products they offer, or of the accuracy of the content of linked sites.
If you are seeking information on care options in your local area, please call Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116 or visit their website by clicking here.
LBDA Lewy Line – 800-539-9767
Please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Please note that we are unable to return calls outside of the United States.
E–mail LBDA Support Services – [email protected]
For other questions and concerns, please see our Contact Us page.