This is a Validated Antibody Database (VAD) review about human Rad50, based on 22 published articles (read how Labome selects the articles), using Rad50 antibody in all methods. It is aimed to help Labome visitors find the most suited Rad50 antibody. Please note the number of articles fluctuates since newly identified citations are added and citations for discontinued catalog numbers are removed regularly.
Rad50 synonym: NBSLD; RAD502; hRad50; DNA repair protein RAD50; RAD50 homolog, double strand break repair protein

mouse monoclonal (13B3)
  • western blot; human; loading ...; fig 1f
GeneTex Rad50 antibody (Genetex, GTX70228) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 1f). Sci Signal (2018) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3)
  • western blot; Escherichia coli; fig 6a
GeneTex Rad50 antibody (GeneTex, 13B3) was used in western blot on Escherichia coli samples (fig 6a). Nucleic Acids Res (2017) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3)
  • immunoprecipitation; human; fig 3
  • immunocytochemistry; human; 1:200; fig 3
  • western blot; human; 1:1000; fig 3
GeneTex Rad50 antibody (Genetex, GTX70228) was used in immunoprecipitation on human samples (fig 3), in immunocytochemistry on human samples at 1:200 (fig 3) and in western blot on human samples at 1:1000 (fig 3). Nat Commun (2015) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3)
  • western blot; human; fig 5
GeneTex Rad50 antibody (GeneTex, GTX70228) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 5). BMC Biol (2015) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3)
  • chromatin immunoprecipitation; mouse
  • western blot; mouse
GeneTex Rad50 antibody (GeneTex, GTX70228) was used in chromatin immunoprecipitation on mouse samples and in western blot on mouse samples . J Cell Biol (2015) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3)
  • western blot; human
GeneTex Rad50 antibody (GeneTex, #GTX70228) was used in western blot on human samples . Cancer Res (2011) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3)
GeneTex Rad50 antibody (Genetex, GTX70228) was used . EMBO J (2010) ncbi
rabbit polyclonal
  • western blot; human; loading ...; fig 2a
Bethyl Rad50 antibody (Bethyl, A300-184A) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 2a). Genes Dev (2017) ncbi
rabbit polyclonal
  • western blot; human; loading ...; fig 5b
Bethyl Rad50 antibody (Bethy, A300-184A) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 5b). Nucleic Acids Res (2017) ncbi
rabbit polyclonal
  • western blot; mouse; fig 1
Bethyl Rad50 antibody (Bethyl Laboratories, A300-184A) was used in western blot on mouse samples (fig 1). Nat Struct Mol Biol (2015) ncbi
rabbit monoclonal (EPR3466(2))
  • immunocytochemistry; mouse; 1:500; loading ...; fig s7j
  • western blot; mouse; 1:500; loading ...; fig s13a
  • western blot; human; 1:500; loading ...; fig s12e
Abcam Rad50 antibody (Abcam, ab124682) was used in immunocytochemistry on mouse samples at 1:500 (fig s7j), in western blot on mouse samples at 1:500 (fig s13a) and in western blot on human samples at 1:500 (fig s12e). Science (2016) ncbi
Novus Biologicals
rabbit polyclonal
  • immunocytochemistry; human; fig 3
Novus Biologicals Rad50 antibody (Novus Biological, NB100-1487) was used in immunocytochemistry on human samples (fig 3). BMC Cancer (2016) ncbi
rabbit polyclonal
  • western blot; human
Novus Biologicals Rad50 antibody (Novus, NB100-154) was used in western blot on human samples . Mitochondrion (2013) ncbi
Cell Signaling Technology
rabbit polyclonal
  • reverse phase protein lysate microarray; mouse; fig s1.b,c
Cell Signaling Technology Rad50 antibody (Cell Signaling Technology, 3427) was used in reverse phase protein lysate microarray on mouse samples (fig s1.b,c). EMBO Mol Med (2016) ncbi
rabbit polyclonal
  • western blot; human; fig 4
Cell Signaling Technology Rad50 antibody (Cell Signaling, 3427) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 4). PLoS ONE (2015) ncbi
rabbit polyclonal
  • immunocytochemistry; human; fig 6b
Cell Signaling Technology Rad50 antibody (Cell Signaling, 3427) was used in immunocytochemistry on human samples (fig 6b). Mol Cell (2014) ncbi
EMD Millipore
mouse monoclonal (13B3/2C6)
  • other; human; loading ...; fig 4c
EMD Millipore Rad50 antibody (Millipore, 05-525) was used in other on human samples (fig 4c). Cancer Cell (2018) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3/2C6)
  • reverse phase protein lysate microarray; human; loading ...; fig st6
In order to characterize the molecular identity of uterine carcinosarcomas., EMD Millipore Rad50 antibody (Millipore, 05-525) was used in reverse phase protein lysate microarray on human samples (fig st6). Cancer Cell (2017) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3/2C6)
  • reverse phase protein lysate microarray; human; loading ...; fig 3a
In order to describe the features of 228 primary cervical cancers, EMD Millipore Rad50 antibody (Millipore, 05-525) was used in reverse phase protein lysate microarray on human samples (fig 3a). Nature (2017) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3/2C6)
  • western blot; human; loading ...; fig 3s3
In order to investigate DNA repair in CD44+/CD24- cells, EMD Millipore Rad50 antibody (Millipore, 05-525) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 3s3). elife (2017) ncbi
mouse monoclonal (13B3/2C6)
  • western blot; mouse; fig 6
EMD Millipore Rad50 antibody (Merck Millipore, 05-525) was used in western blot on mouse samples (fig 6). Oncogene (2016) ncbi
rabbit polyclonal
  • immunocytochemistry; mouse; 1:200; fig 1
EMD Millipore Rad50 antibody (Millipore, 07-1781) was used in immunocytochemistry on mouse samples at 1:200 (fig 1). FASEB J (2014) ncbi
Articles Reviewed
  1. Ng P, Li J, Jeong K, Shao S, Chen H, Tsang Y, et al. Systematic Functional Annotation of Somatic Mutations in Cancer. Cancer Cell. 2018;33:450-462.e10 pubmed publisher
  2. Lee J, Mand M, Kao C, Zhou Y, Ryu S, Richards A, et al. ATM directs DNA damage responses and proteostasis via genetically separable pathways. Sci Signal. 2018;11: pubmed publisher
  3. Deshpande R, Lee J, Paull T. Rad50 ATPase activity is regulated by DNA ends and requires coordination of both active sites. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017;45:5255-5268 pubmed publisher
  4. Cherniack A, Shen H, Walter V, Stewart C, Murray B, Bowlby R, et al. Integrated Molecular Characterization of Uterine Carcinosarcoma. Cancer Cell. 2017;31:411-423 pubmed publisher
  5. Gong Y, Handa N, Kowalczykowski S, de Lange T. PHF11 promotes DSB resection, ATR signaling, and HR. Genes Dev. 2017;31:46-58 pubmed publisher
  6. . Integrated genomic and molecular characterization of cervical cancer. Nature. 2017;543:378-384 pubmed publisher
  7. Pal D, Pertot A, Shirole N, Yao Z, Anaparthy N, Garvin T, et al. TGF-β reduces DNA ds-break repair mechanisms to heighten genetic diversity and adaptability of CD44+/CD24- cancer cells. elife. 2017;6: pubmed publisher
  8. Zhong J, Li X, Cai W, Wang Y, Dong S, Yang J, et al. TET1 modulates H4K16 acetylation by controlling auto-acetylation of hMOF to affect gene regulation and DNA repair function. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017;45:672-684 pubmed publisher
  9. Kanakkanthara A, Jeganathan K, Limzerwala J, Baker D, Hamada M, Nam H, et al. Cyclin A2 is an RNA binding protein that controls Mre11 mRNA translation. Science. 2016;353:1549-1552 pubmed
  10. Gruosso T, Mieulet V, Cardon M, Bourachot B, Kieffer Y, Devun F, et al. Chronic oxidative stress promotes H2AX protein degradation and enhances chemosensitivity in breast cancer patients. EMBO Mol Med. 2016;8:527-49 pubmed publisher
  11. Chang L, Huang J, Wang K, Li J, Yan R, Zhu L, et al. Targeting Rad50 sensitizes human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells to radiotherapy. BMC Cancer. 2016;16:190 pubmed publisher
  12. Hartlerode A, Morgan M, Wu Y, Buis J, Ferguson D. Recruitment and activation of the ATM kinase in the absence of DNA-damage sensors. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2015;22:736-43 pubmed publisher
  13. Lee K, Im J, Shibata E, Park J, Handa N, Kowalczykowski S, et al. MCM8-9 complex promotes resection of double-strand break ends by MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex. Nat Commun. 2015;6:7744 pubmed publisher
  14. Wang J, Chen S, Sun C, Chien T, Chern Y. A central role of TRAX in the ATM-mediated DNA repair. Oncogene. 2016;35:1657-70 pubmed publisher
  15. Harten S, Oey H, Bourke L, Bharti V, Isbel L, Daxinger L, et al. The recently identified modifier of murine metastable epialleles, Rearranged L-Myc Fusion, is involved in maintaining epigenetic marks at CpG island shores and enhancers. BMC Biol. 2015;13:21 pubmed publisher
  16. Nakajima N, Hagiwara Y, Oike T, Okayasu R, Murakami T, Nakano T, et al. Pre-exposure to ionizing radiation stimulates DNA double strand break end resection, promoting the use of homologous recombination repair. PLoS ONE. 2015;10:e0122582 pubmed publisher
  17. Xiong J, Todorova D, Su N, Kim J, Lee P, Shen Z, et al. Stemness factor Sall4 is required for DNA damage response in embryonic stem cells. J Cell Biol. 2015;208:513-20 pubmed publisher
  18. Schröder Heurich B, Wieland B, Lavin M, Schindler D, Dork T. Protective role of RAD50 on chromatin bridges during abnormal cytokinesis. FASEB J. 2014;28:1331-41 pubmed publisher
  19. Shibata A, Moiani D, Arvai A, Perry J, Harding S, Genois M, et al. DNA double-strand break repair pathway choice is directed by distinct MRE11 nuclease activities. Mol Cell. 2014;53:7-18 pubmed publisher
  20. Murad N, Cullen J, McKenzie M, Ryan M, Thorburn D, Gueven N, et al. Mitochondrial dysfunction in a novel form of autosomal recessive ataxia. Mitochondrion. 2013;13:235-45 pubmed publisher
  21. Anderson V, Walton M, Eve P, Boxall K, Antoni L, Caldwell J, et al. CCT241533 is a potent and selective inhibitor of CHK2 that potentiates the cytotoxicity of PARP inhibitors. Cancer Res. 2011;71:463-72 pubmed publisher
  22. Lee J, Goodarzi A, Jeggo P, Paull T. 53BP1 promotes ATM activity through direct interactions with the MRN complex. EMBO J. 2010;29:574-85 pubmed publisher