This is a page of some projects and toys I’ve built in my spare time, just for fun, which I hope you will find useful or entertaining. This page is still under construction, but here are a few goodies to tide you over.
This nifty software is offered to you as-is, no warrantees expressed or implied.
KupieTools are a series of bookmarklets , pop-up tools that live in your bookmark bar and help you out as you surf the internet. They work with any browser, require no download, and can be installed simply by dragging a link up to your bookmarks bar. Right now only the first is available for testing:
Bad Statements Detector beta
The BS Detector is designed to aid in online research and to help prevent people from passing along nonsense on the internet, by making it easier to look stuff up on fact-checking websites like, Politifact,, and other myth-busting websites all at once.
It works very simply: drag a “Detect BS” button to your bookmarks bar. Then, while you surf the web, you can select text on any web page and click your “Detect BS” bookmark link. This will pop up no-nonsense links from a multitude of sites that tell you if it’s well-known BS (plus offer you some sharing options right from the popup.)
Interested? The BS Detector is now live on Check it out. (Right now the instructions on the BS Detector page are a little wordy. Please read ’em. I’m working on simplifying them.)
I really feel like I’ve done something good for humanity with this. Hopefully more people will start fact-checking Bad Statements themselves and rumors before they post them on Facebook, so people like me don’t have to harsh on them anymore for not checking Snopes first.
Browser Plugins
No Secret Affair for Safari, Firefox, & Chrome.
“No Secret Affair” enhances your Facebook experience by modifying the options on your privacy menu to more accurately reflect what they actually mean. Never again forget who’s looking over your shoulder!
Because Edward Snowden can’t be everywhere, can he.
Firefox addon: Download
Safari extension: Download
Chrome extension requires special instructions due to Chrome’s security restrictions: Chrome requires manual installation of extensions hosted outside of the Chrome Web Store. So, after you click the following download link, it will download, but you will get a security warning and it won’t install. Open your extensions tab by entering chrome://extensions/ in your URL bar, then drag the downloaded extension from your download folder onto your browser window, and it will install. Ok, ready? Ok. Chrome extension: Download
Also on the web: Kupietz | Arts+Code
This is probably a good place to mention: I’ve also got a personal showcase site showing off my creative hobbies and web development skills, at Michael Kupietz | Arts+Code. Feel free to have a browse over there if you’re interested.
I’ve got several other projects almost ready to be posted here, please check back soon.