Khronos Blog Archives

Khronos Blog Archives

OpenCL 3.0 Specification Finalized and Initial Khronos Open Source OpenCL SDK Released

Today, the Khronos OpenCL Working Group is happy to announce the release of the finalized OpenCL 3.0 specifications, including a new unified OpenCL C 3.0 language specification, together with an early initial release of a Khronos OpenCL SDK to enable developers to quickly get up to speed using OpenCL.

Fighting Fragmentation: Vulkan Portability Extension Released and Implementations Shipping

Over the last few years, providing the functionality of one graphics API by layering over another API has become increasingly popular. This post explores the value of layered implementations to the graphics community and provides details on a significant announcement from Khronos’ ongoing Vulkan® Portability™ initiative—the release of the provisional version of the Vulkan Portability extension with multiple shipping implemen

A Guide to Vulkan Synchronization Validation

Correct synchronization is needed to ensure correct results from Vulkan operations (whether graphical or computational). Modern graphics hardware is both parallel and pipelined, with various operations happening simultaneously for performance reasons. Vulkan has a limited number of ordering guarantees but, for most operations, it is the application's responsibility to inform the implementation when ordering is required between operations. The ne

Want to learn how graphics vendors will use the ANARI API to enable Rendering Technologies? ANARI Webinar + Q&A

The Khronos ANARI™ (Analytic Rendering Interface) working group is defining an open, royalty-free API standard for cross-vendor access to state-of-the-art rendering engines. ANARI will enable experts in domains such as scientific visualization to leverage the latest rendering techniques without needing to use low-level rendering APIs. Graphics vendors will use the ANARI API to enable visualization engines, libraries, and applications with p

Bringing SYCL to Supercomputers with Celerity

Over the past decade, the use of accelerator architectures and, in particular, GPUs, in high performance computing (HPC) has skyrocketed. Of the Top 500 list of supercomputers from June 2010, only three systems out of the top 50 used accelerator architectures. In the June 2020 list, the number has increased to 27. In addition to the largest supercomputers in the world embracing the performance and efficiency advantages of accelerators for many da