
Hi, I'm Jamie Tanna (he/him/his), and I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer at Elastic.
I currently live in Nottingham with my partner Anna Dodson and our cat Morph and our puppy Cookie.
I use my site as a method of blogging about my learnings, as well as sharing information about projects I have previously, or are currently, working on in my spare time.
I'm an maintainer for a number of Open Source projects, including oapi-codegen, and my most recent passion project, dependency-management-data (DMD) and the SAAS platform behind it, deps.fyi.
I'm a GNU/Linux user, a big advocate for the Free Software Movement, and the IndieWeb movement and I try to self host my own services where possible, instead of relying on other providers.
I have ADHD (Inattentive Type) and am learning how to make my life work better around it.
Drop me an email at [email protected], or using any of the other social links below.
No #WeekNotes tonight as I'm on holiday for my birthday - may catch up during the week, or next Sunday!
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Brian Fox discusses findings from a recent Sonatype report about the growing challenge of malicious packages in open source repositories. At the time of recording there are now over 820,000 malware packages in public repositories. Brian explains why certain ecosystems are more vulnerable than others and how behavioral detection methods can identify suspicious packages, and the challenge in solving this problem. The blog post for this episode can be found at
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🛡️ Security releasesGo 1.24.1 & 1.23.7 releasedgolang.org/x/net v0.36.0 releasedgopls v0.18.0 released🇫🇮 Helsinki meetup, March 18, still looking for speakersTypeScript rewrite in Go🌩️ Lightning RoundAsdf Has Been Re-Written in GoGo clients dominate internet API trafficWhy was nvm for Windows...

Off the back of the tj-actions/changed-files
#SupplyChainSecurity attack, I've written up how you can use #DependencyManagementData to determine the impact across your org - already found it's been very useful 👀
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It's Kaizen 18! Can you believe it? We discuss the recent Fly.io outage, some little features we've added since our last Kaizen, our new video-first production, and of course, catch up on all things Pipely! Oh, and Gerhard surprises us (once again). BAM!
Finally put the finishing touches to my rewrite of the renovate-graph
docs which I started on Monday at #BatchBunch
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Neurodivergent Senior software engineers, how do you go about the interviews? Any advice you learned the hard way?
Very much looking forward to tomorrow's OpenUK Digital Meetup, where we've got the awesome Kat Cosgrove and @derickr for a "fireside chat" all about what life is like being a core maintainer. Hope to see some of y'all there at 1200 UTC
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Attached: 1 image How does your calendar look on Wednesday? Join us for the online OpenUK digital meetup at lunchtime. I've pinned down two open source project maintainers from projects you might have heard of (Kubernetes and PHP) to get their open source stories and some advice that the rest of us can use! See you there https://www.meetup.com/openuk/events/306591774/?eventOrigin=home_next_event_you_are_hosting

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BATCH BUNCH #0003 is complete. A fun-filled, productive session comes to a close! This time, we welcomed an attendee all the way from London and, universally, marveled at 'felting' being done IRL by another attendee. Hobbies FTW. See you next time? 🖱️⌨️🌐😌☕️
Looking forward to relistening to this one, and we've got plans for a follow up in the works 👀
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We've published episode 10: An Exploration of APIs, Versioning, & HTTP. Happy Listening! https://share.transistor.fm/s/8e38cd91
I'm on Fallthrough: An Exploration of APIs, Versioning, & HTTP (1 mins read).

Announcing my appearance as a guest on Fallthrough, talking about APIs, versioning, documentation, and more.
Week Notes 25#09 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-03-03?
I will be attending
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Question for OSS maintainers: what’s the most audacious work a company has ever asked you to do for free? I’ve heard of some projects being asked to fill out security questionnaires for free, but I don’t have a firsthand account of that and it got me curious about what else projects have been asked
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I will be attending
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The description suggests that this is some kind of extended metaphor about work. It appears to be written in that _Choose Your Own Adventure_ style second-person voice, yet there are no choices to be found within. Against your better judgment, you follow the link.

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Anurag Goel, Founder/CEO of Render, joins Adam to discuss what they're doing to solve cloud problems for application developers. They just raised $80M they don't even need and they're poised to solve boring problems like object storage, and less boring things like building for the AI era.
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🛡️ Security releasesgolang.org/x/crypto v0.35.0golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.27.0ProposalsAccepted: net/http: support content negotiation🧮 Likely accept: math/stats: new package with Mean, Median, moreConferences🇨🇿 Gophercamp, April 25 @ Brno, Czech RepublicCFP open until ??🇨🇭 Go blog: Faster Go maps...

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In this heartfelt episode of 99 Dev Problems, Tessa Kriesel sits down with Alex C. Berk, a seasoned front-end developer at Shipium, to explore his journey through tech, the challenges of scaling systems, and how faith and family shape his career.Alex shares his story of growing from a self-taught coder to a pivotal member of a reunited team of Zulily and Amazon alumni. He dives into his work with modern tools like TypeScript, React, and Node.js, and the collaborative culture at Shipium that fuels innovation in supply chain optimization. From solving complex database scaling issues to building a supportive remote-first environment, Alex offers insights into thriving as a developer in today's dynamic tech landscape.Key themes include:Mentorship and the value of building relationships in tech.Strategies for balancing family life and career in a remote-first world.Tackling large-scale technical challenges with creativity and teamwork.How faith influences decisions and impacts community building.Whether you're navigating your early career or leading teams, Alex's thoughtful reflections provide inspiration for every stage of your journey.Where to Find Alex C. Berk: LinkedIn: Alex C. Berk X: @alexcberkGitHub: alexcberkDon’t miss this engaging conversation packed with practical advice and heartfelt stories from the world of tech!

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Every time I’m forced to see Trump’s or Musk’s face I deserve compensation.
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can't overthink if u don’t think at all
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Jerod and Adam use Chris Kiehl's post on development topics he's changed his mind on (over the last 10 years) as a proxy for discussion on dev things they HAVE and HAVE NOT changed their minds on.
Week Notes 25#08 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-02-24?
Folks may be interested to see that I've now got an RSS feed for my salary page, which is also on the Fediverse via @www.jvt.me.salary in case y'all wanna know when there are any updates to it 👀
Creating single-purpose RSS feeds with Hugo (2 mins read).

How to create a new RSS feed in Hugo for a single page's updates.
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For the past year, David Crawshaw has intentionally sought ways to use LLMs while programming, in order to learn about them. He now regularly use LLMs while working and considers their benefits a net-positive on his productivity. David wrote down his experience, which we found both practical and insightful. Hopefully y...
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Heather Meeker joined the show to talk about open source licensing, why open source licenses are historically significant, how much developers really need to know, and how much developers think they know. We also talk about mixing commercial and open source licenses, and how lawyers keep up with an ever-changing landsc...
Creating a test harness for validating Renovate Custom Datasource configuration (4 mins read).

How to set up a test harness to make it eaiser to modify scary looking JSONata transformations in your Renovate configuration.
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Jessie Frazelle joins us this week to talk about being an open source maintainer, Docker's pull request acceptance workflow, dotfiles, getting started with public speaking.
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As I sit home with a terrible cold, I can’t help but be pissed that we decided as a society that we’re just cool with getting sick. We applied technology to water-borne and food-borne illness, and you generally don’t get sick that way anymore. But airborne? Nah, let’s keep getting sick.
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