“My greatest hope is to see my research turned into new treatments and cures for patients...Your support is a huge encouragement for us to continue our important work.”
Support ISSCR Initiatives
Our work is made possible through generous support from organizations and individuals towards strategic initiatives benefitting all. For institutional giving, please contact us here.
Each year, the ISSCR provides Travel Awards for students and post docs from across the world to support their attendance at the annual meeting - affording opportunities for visibility, networking, and education. 100% of the funds support these young scientists who submit abstracts for the annual meeting, or support child and dependent care grants, to defray the costs associated with attending the meeting.
A portfolio of international and digital meetings designed for knowledge sharing and collaboration to further the field. Read more about upcoming programs, including our Annual Meeting.
The ISSCR helps members navigate the regulatory landscape while assisting regulators by making scientifically informed recommendations for the development of stem cell therapies.
The ISSCR sets international guidance for ethical and rigorous research, adopted by public and private organizations, regulatory bodies, funds, and publications. These references strengthen the pipeline of research and therapies, ultimately to benefit the patient.
The ISSCR provides resources and programs for the general public, educators, physicians, policy makers, and regulators. Resources like Aboutstemcells.org and the ISSCR Patient Guide to Stem Cell Treatments provide scientifically vetted resources for patients seeking unbiased and trusted information.
The ISSCR advocates globally to support research funding, enforcement of ethical guidelines, and protection against unproven therapies.