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Dedicated to fostering the scientific and professional growth of nurses in human genetics and genomics worldwide.
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An Issue Paper is a comprehensive treatise on a topic of concern to ISONG. The purpose of an Issue Paper is to provide in-depth, empirically-based information to members and other interested parties. Such a document might serve to explicate nuances of complex issues that may require further clarification with an emphasis on the implications for nursing research, education and practice. An Issue Paper can also provide thorough exploration of controversies related to genetic/genomic health care. Issue papers submitted for publication as part of ISONG Board or Committee work must acknowledge ISONG in the manuscript in the format directed by the publisher. 

ISONG Issue Paper on Workplace Wellness (August 2020)

ISONG White Paper on GINA (Updated May 2018)


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Office: 517-996-1416

[email protected]


2501 Jolly Road, Suite 110
Okemos, MI 48864

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