ISMRM Strategic Plan

Extending vision, expanding minds
and improving life through MR.
Mission Statement
To foster a vibrant, collaborative, international and interdisciplinary community that promotes discovery, innovation and clinical translation in magnetic resonance.
Be a catalyst for the continued advancement and enhancement of the value of MR, within our own community, for diverse clinical specialties, for diverse scientific disciplines, and for the public.
Tactic 1. Develop tools and platforms to enable widespread innovation
Tactic 2. Promote innovation as an instrument of value
Tactic 3. Leverage disruptive technologies
Tactic 4. Create a problem-rich environment to foster innovation
Tactic 5. Create a working group on promoting innovation
Create greater awareness and promote the benefits of MR to the public, to diverse scientific disciplines, to diverse clinical specialties, and within our own community.
Tactic 1. Create and execute a Communication Strategy that expands the awareness of MR and its benefits to key audiences.
Tactic 2. Collect and communicate MR-related stories
Tactic 3. Proactively promote the interests of MR through advocacy partners around the world
Tactic 4. Encourage and engage membership to promote the value of MR
Tactic 5. Develop distinctive and relevant educational content
Tactic 6. Explore new formats/vehicles for delivering education
Tactic 7. Perform a review of ISMRM publications to ensure value and relevancy
Provide opportunities to build relationships and share knowledge, with the public, with diverse scientific disciplines, with diverse clinical specialties, and within our own community.
Tactic 1. Expand meaningful collaborations with partners
Tactic 2. Provide ISMRM presence and perspectives around the world
Tactic 3. Provide meaningful opportunities for members to collaborate, communicate and engage with each other
Tactic 4. Maintain a healthy diversity in our Society
Tailor our structure, finances and governance to meet the ISMRM mission and objectives. Manage resources effectively, and continue to deliver member value.
Tactic 1. Advance the nimbleness of the organization
Tactic 2. Advance the professionalism of the organization
Tactic 3. Develop outward-facing capacity
Tactic 4. Perform a regular governance review
Tactic 5. Initiate and pursue policies and programs that ensure the financial sustainability of ISMRM
Tactic 6. Actively seek member feedback on professional needs; analyze and respond accordingly