Private Cloud

What are the advantages of virtualization?sdecoretShutterstock

What are the advantages of virtualization?

Server virtualization has numerous benefits. Consolidating physical servers in virtual machines allows you to use hardware resources more efficiently, reduce costs and offer more reliable service. That in turn increases scalability, simplifies management and increases the quality…

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Which is the best virtualization software? A comparisonagsandrewshutterstock

Which is the best virtualization software? A comparison

What is the best virtualization software? The answer is not that simple. On the one hand, what’s best depends on the operating system used. On the other hand, there has been a shift in virtualization: away from virtual machines and toward container virtualization. Read on to find…

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What ownCloud alternatives are there?Vadim Georgievshutterstock

What ownCloud alternatives are there?

When it comes to cloud storage services with synchronization functions, many users see ownCloud as the most reliable option. It is also worth broadening your perspective, as the best alternatives to ownCloud also offer some other interesting features, which cloud storage service…

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Public Cloud vs. Private CloudVadim Georgievshutterstock

Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud

No two clouds are the same. Anyone looking to use cloud services will soon ask themselves the question: public cloud vs. private cloud – which cloud model is better suited to my purposes? The answer to this depends on your individual requirements. Here, we explore the differences…

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Private CloudRawpixel.comshutterstock

Private Cloud

Should data and processes be handled in a private or public cloud? If a company wants to use cloud computing, they first need to choose one of the many providers available. Using the personalized services offered by a private cloud, companies can address a wide range of business…

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Platform as a Service (PaaS)ProStockStudioshutterstock

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Cloud services are becoming increasingly important for companies. In addition to software and infrastructure that can be booked via the provider's cloud (SaaS and IaaS), cloud-based platforms for developing new applications (PaaS) are also becoming more popular. Companies can…

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What is IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)sakkmesterkeshutterstock

What is IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)

Cloud computing offers companies excellent opportunities to outsource resources. For example, the cloud model “Infrastacture as a Service” (IaaS) provides access to IT infrastracture that is traditionally provided and maintained by an external provider. This way, a complete…

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What is Microsoft Hyper-V?spainter_vfxshutterstock

What is Microsoft Hyper-V?

The creation of virtual machines is of interest to all things that are server-related or involve the development of software. However, private users can also use virtualization to gain more security and flexibility. With Hyper-V, Microsoft has created a solution that is ideal in…

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What is OpenStack?Kamirashutterstock

What is OpenStack?

Cloud computing makes working with data quicker, simpler, and safer. Through common standards and simple access methods, private users such as companies can benefit from the advantages of cloud-based data processing. One of the most successful cloud systems is the former NASA…

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OpenShift vs. OpenStackagsandrewShutterstock

OpenShift vs. OpenStack

OpenShift vs. OpenStack: even though their names sound similar, the two are very different. While OpenStack is used to create virtualized cloud infrastructures based on distributed hardware, OpenShift is all about application containers. Read more about the similarities and…

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