How to permanently delete tables using MariaDB DROP TABLEStock-Assoshutterstock

How to permanently delete tables using MariaDB DROP TABLE

To permanently delete one or more tables in MariaDB, the `DROP TABLE` command can be used. Because the command irrevocably removes specified tables, it should only be accessible to authorized users. In this dedicated article, we will explain more about the command and its options…

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What are the different data types in MariaDB?

What are the different data types in MariaDB?

MariaDB data types can be divided into five categories. While numeric data types and time and date specifications are for numbers, strings can contain various characters. The database management system also allows geometric data types and some types of data that do not fall into…

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How to query and merge records using MariaDB JOINMaksim Kabakoushutterstock

How to query and merge records using MariaDB JOIN

When working with several tables, it’s often necessary to combine data records. In MariaDB, you can use the JOIN statement to do this. In this article, we explain how the command works and how the different variants INNER JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN differ from…

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If you want to create a new database using the free and open-source relational database management system MariaDB, you can use the CREATE DATABASE command. This article provides a detailed explanation of how the command functions and explores various optional parameters that can…

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How to use MariaDB CREATE TABLENDAB Creativityshutterstock

How to use MariaDB CREATE TABLE

If you want to create a new table, you can use CREATE TABLE in MariaDB to do so. The statement not only means that a new table is created, but also creates the individual columns and the data types permitted in them. In this article, we explain exactly how CREATE TABLE works in…

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How to use CREATE USER in MariaDB

How to use CREATE USER in MariaDB

To create a new account, you can use the CREATE USER command in MariaDB. In this article, we’ll not only explain step by step how to use the command and create a new user, but also show you which user rights you can assign to users. We’ll also explore different clauses you can…

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How to choose a database using SELECT DATABASE in MariaDBsakkmesterkeshutterstock

How to choose a database using SELECT DATABASE in MariaDB

MariaDB offers two methods for selecting a database within its management system. In this dedicated article, we illustrate how to use the USE statement in the command line and the mysql_select_db function in PHP with a straightforward example, and also highlight what you need to…

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How to install MariaDB on Ubuntu 22.04Mr. KosalShutterstock

How to install MariaDB on Ubuntu 22.04

MariaDB has been a recommended alternative to MySQL for a while. Integrating the SQL server into your LAMP stack can be done easily without any problems. In this dedicated guide, we explain how to install MariaDB on Ubuntu 22.04, and then how to configure it and implement…

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How to install MariaDB on Debian 12NDAB Creativityshutterstock

How to install MariaDB on Debian 12

Since MariaDB is included in Debian’s repository by default, you can easily install the SQL server. In this article, we will explain how to install MariaDB on Debian 12, how to configure the software afterward, and what options are available to enhance the server’s security. We…

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How to install MariaDB on Debian 11

How to install MariaDB on Debian 11

MariaDB packages are included by default in Debian. So, if you wish to use the SQL server with the operating system as part of the LAMP stack, it can be done easily. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing MariaDB on Debian 11, and also…

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