New Theme: Magma makes your WordPress site faster, smoother, and easier to manage.

Contribute Content

Write for Us

We’re always looking for content contributors to our WordPress Resources blog. We share WordPress insights, WordPress Theme and Plugin news and real world experiences that help our audience understand and use WordPress better.

Topics We Focus On

Here are some suggestions for topics we’re looking for:

  • WordPress Themes: developer diaries, behind the scenes, creation process, etc.
  • Operating and managing a WordPress business
  • Data and statistics related to WordPress
  • WordPress Use Cases
  • WordPress Deals, Coupons, Discount Codes

How to submit your article

Email your article pitch to [email protected], your subject line should be “Guest Article Pitch: [article title]” with a draft or a detailed outline.

We will get back to you in a 1-2 days on whether we accept your pitch.

Contributor Guidelines

Articles must be original and correspond to the needs of our target readership. We do not publish thin content intended for SEO purposes only.

Contributors are eligible to: an avatar, an author description and links to their personal and/or business websites. Articles can (and should) link to references and sources.