Although many people experience bloating from time to time, feeling bloated regularly can be uncomfortable.

While bloating is usually caused by a buildup of gas in the stomach, it could also be due to other issues, such as constipation, indigestion, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Fortunately, plenty of supplements may relieve bloating and improve digestion to keep you feeling your best.

Here are 7 supplements that may help decrease bloating.

An assortment of supplement pills to help with bloating.Share on Pinterest
Monica Pronk/Stocksy United

Probiotics are a type of beneficial bacteria found in the gut. They’ve been linked to a variety of health benefits (1).

Available in both food sources and supplements, some studies have shown that increasing your intake of probiotics may help support gut health.

According to one massive review of 70 studies, probiotics improved bloating and regularity in some people with IBS (2).

Another review observed similar findings, reporting that probiotics decreased the severity of several IBS symptoms, including bloating, gas, and abdominal distension (3).

Some research suggests that probiotics may also help treat other digestive issues, including diarrhea and ulcerative colitis (4).


Probiotics have been shown to improve symptoms of IBS, including bloating, gas, and abdominal distension.

Ginger is an herb commonly taken as a supplement to relieve digestive distress and treat nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness (5).

Some research has found that ginger may help prevent bloating, too.

According to one older study, ginger sped stomach emptying rates among people experiencing indigestion, and this effect may help reduce bloating (6).

Another study showed that ginger decreased the severity of abdominal distension in 178 women who underwent cesarean deliveries — also known as C-sections — compared with a placebo (7).

What’s more, one study in rats found that ginger significantly improved symptoms of IBS by decreasing inflammation in the gut (8).


Both human and animal studies have shown that ginger may help speed stomach emptying, decrease abdominal distension after surgery, and reduce gut inflammation.

Peppermint oil is an herbal supplement known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains L-menthol, a compound that suppresses muscle spasms in the intestines to help treat digestive issues (9).

One review of 12 studies found that peppermint oil was well tolerated and reduced symptoms of IBS compared with a placebo (9).

Another study in 72 people with IBS showed that taking peppermint oil 3 times daily decreased symptoms of IBS by 40% after 4 weeks (10).

Additionally, a review of nine studies reported that peppermint oil may significantly improve abdominal pain and other symptoms of IBS with minimal adverse side effects (11).

More research is needed to determine whether peppermint oil offers similar benefits for those without IBS.


Peppermint oil has been shown to decrease multiple symptoms of IBS, including bloating and stomach pain. It’s unclear whether peppermint oil alleviates bloating in those who don’t have IBS.

Cinnamon oil is widely used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of digestive ailments, including bloating (12).

One recent study showed that taking a capsule with cinnamon oil significantly decreased symptoms of indigestion after 6 weeks compared with a placebo. However, while participants experienced reductions in bloating, the difference was not statistically significant (13).

Cinnamon also contains several anti-inflammatory compounds, such as cinnamaldehyde and methoxycinnamaldehyde. One animal study found that cinnamon decreased markers of inflammation in mice with colitis, which may help prevent bloating (14, 15).

However, further research is needed to confirm how cinnamon oil affects inflammation and bloating in humans.


Cinnamon oil contains several anti-inflammatory compounds and may help decrease symptoms of indigestion, but more research is needed.

Digestive enzymes help break down the nutrients in foods into smaller compounds to promote proper digestion.

Although your body produces digestive enzymes naturally, using a digestive enzyme supplement may help alleviate bloating in some cases.

One small study showed that digestive enzymes were as effective as a prescription medication at treating common gastrointestinal issues like bloating, nausea, and indigestion (16).

Another study including 40 people reported that digestive enzymes significantly reduced multiple symptoms of indigestion, including bloating (17).

Certain digestive enzymes, such as lactase, may also help prevent symptoms among people with lactose intolerance.

Lactose intolerance is a common condition that causes issues like gas, bloating, and stomach pain when foods containing lactose — a type of sugar found in milk — are consumed (18).


Digestive enzymes may help treat digestive issues like bloating. Specific enzymes, such as lactase, may be beneficial for those with lactose intolerance. Yet, be sure to consult a healthcare professional before adding a digestive enzyme to your regimen.

Psyllium is a fiber derived from Plantago ovata, an herb grown in many parts of South Asia, Europe, and North America (19).

Often found in supplement form, it adds bulk to your stools to relieve constipation, which is a common cause of bloating.

According to one study among 51 people with type 2 diabetes and constipation, taking 10 grams of psyllium twice daily improved symptoms of constipation and decreased blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and body weight, compared with those in a control group (20).

Another small study found that psyllium drew water into stools to ease their passage and prevent constipation (21).

Furthermore, one animal study showed that psyllium significantly decreased intestinal inflammation, which may help relieve bloating and digestive issues (22).


Psyllium fiber may help prevent constipation and reduce inflammation in the intestines, which could help decrease bloating.

Your skin cells produce vitamin D — also known as the sunshine vitamin — when exposed to the sun. Unfortunately, very few food sources naturally contain this nutrient, which can make it challenging to meet your needs (23).

If you are deficient in vitamin D, taking a supplement can be an easy way to increase your intake — and it may potentially prevent bloating.

One study including 90 people with IBS found that taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D every two weeks for 6 months led to significant improvements in stomach pain, bloating, gas, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. (24).

Another study evaluated 44 women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) who were deficient in vitamin D.

It found that taking a vitamin D supplement for 4 months decreased several markers of inflammation and improved PMS symptoms, which often include stomach pain, cramps, constipation, and bloating (25).

On the other hand, a study in 74 people with IBS showed that taking 50,000 IU per week of vitamin D for 9 weeks improved symptom severity and quality of life but did not affect bloating, compared with those in a control group (26).

It is important to note that the tolerable upper limit for vitmain D supplementation for adults is 4,000 IUs daily (27).

Additional studies are needed to understand how vitamin D supplements may affect bloating, especially among people without a deficiency.


Some research shows that taking a vitamin D supplement may help reduce bloating if you are deficient in the nutrient.

Although bloating can be uncomfortable, many supplements may help you feel like yourself again.

In addition to reducing bloating, some supplements may likewise improve other digestive problems, including gas, constipation, and stomach pain.

Keep in mind that if your bloating doesn’t resolve or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or unintentional weight loss, you should talk with your doctor to see whether additional treatment is needed.

Just one thing

Try this today: In addition to using some of the supplements above, you might want to switch up your diet to help resolve bloating. Check out this article for some specific foods that may help you beat the bloat and boost your gut health!