Dermatitis refers to skin inflammation. Types include atopic dermatitis (eczema), contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and dishydrotic dermatitis. Symptoms may include dry skin, itchiness, cracking, and more.
With dermatitis, your skin will typically look dry, swollen, and discolored. The causes of dermatitis vary between types. However, it’s not contagious.
Contact your doctor for an appointment if your skin is infected, painful, or uncomfortable. A doctor can also review your treatment plan if existing dermatitis becomes widespread or isn’t getting better.
Read on to learn more about the types and symptoms of dermatitis. This article also looks at causes, treatment options, and more.
View the slideshow below for photos of dermatitis.
There are several different types of dermatitis.
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis, or eczema,
There is no cure for atopic dermatitis. Symptoms may occur in cycles of flare-ups, with periods of little to no symptoms. During flare-ups, patches of skin may appear rough, dry, and itchy.
Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis happens when a substance touches the skin and causes an adverse reaction. These reactions can develop into rashes that burn, sting, itch, or blister.
Contact dermatitis may result from an allergic or irritant reaction. In irritant contact dermatitis, an outside substance damages the skin directly and causes a reaction.
With allergic contact dermatitis, the outside substance may not directly damage the skin but will cause your immune system to react in a way that does so.
Dyshidrotic dermatitis
In dyshidrotic dermatitis, the skin cannot protect itself. This results in itchy, dry skin, often accompanied by small blisters.
It occurs mainly on the feet and hands, and may also occur in people who perspire heavily in these areas.
Seborrheic dermatitis
People may refer to seborrheic dermatitis as cradle cap when it occurs in infants. This type of dermatitis is most common on the scalp, though it can also occur on the face, chest, and around the ears.
It often causes scaly patches, skin discoloration, and dandruff. Stress or lack of sleep can worsen these symptoms.
There is no cure for seborrheic dermatitis, but treatments are usually effective at managing symptoms.
Other types of dermatitis
Examples of some other types of dermatitis include:
- Neurodermatitis: Neurodermatitis is also called lichen simplex. This type involves an itchy patch of skin, often triggered by stress or something irritating the skin.
- Nummular dermatitis: Nummular dermatitis is also called discoid eczema. It involves oval sores on the skin, often occurring after a skin injury. Nummular means “coin-like.”
- Stasis dermatitis: Stasis dermatitis involves skin changes due to problems with blood circulation. It can cause skin discoloration in the lower extremities, and may even cause the skin to thicken in texture.
Learn more about types of eczema.
The symptoms of dermatitis range from mild to severe. They can look different depending on what part of the body the condition affects.
Symptoms will also vary depending on the type of dermatitis, though they can often be difficult to distinguish.
In general, the symptoms of dermatitis may include:
- rashes
- blisters
- dry, cracked skin
- itchy skin
- painful skin, with stinging or burning
- swelling
Dermatitis also causes skin discoloration. On darker skin, dermatitis rashes will typically appear gray, purple, or a shade darker than your usual skin tone. On lighter skin, dermatitis patches will typically appear pink or red.
The causes of dermatitis vary depending on the type. However, environmental triggers can often be the reason for flare-ups.
Common triggers for dermatitis include:
- stress
- exposure to irritants
- dry skin
Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis occurs with direct contact with an irritant or allergen. Examples of common materials that cause contact dermatitis include:
Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is often the result of a combination of factors such as dry skin, environmental factors, and bacteria on the skin.
Triggers of atopic dermatitis can vary. Some common triggers include:
- stress
- irritants
- hormonal changes
A family history of atopic dermatitis can also increase your chance of developing the condition. Having hay fever or asthma can also make atopic dermatitis more likely.
Seborrheic dermatitis
The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unclear. However, it may be the result of an inflammatory reaction to Malassezia yeast, a naturally occurring organism on the skin.
Certain conditions can increase your risk of seborrheic dermatitis. These include:
- psoriasis
- epilepsy
- rosacea
- Parkinson’s disease
Stasis dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis occurs due to reduced circulation in the body.
Typically, small valves in your blood veins will weaken, reducing your blood flow back to the heart, and causing fluid to build up in your extremities. This fluid then causes swelling around the affected area. Stasis dermatitis then occurs in these areas of swollen skin.
Because poor blood flow is most common in the lower legs, this is the most common site of stasis dermatitis. However, it can occur anywhere.
Treatments for dermatitis depend on the type, severity of symptoms, and the underlying cause. Many types of dermatitis will clear up on their own. For example, contact dermatitis will often improve once you are no longer in contact with known irritants.
Home care for dermatitis
- avoiding any known triggers
- washing with gentle washes or cleanses rather than fragranced products
- applying moisturizer to help hydrate dry skin
- applying cool, wet cloths to the skin to help reduce itching and discomfort
- covering any broken skin or wounds with a dressing or bandage to prevent irritation or infection
Dermatitis can sometimes flare up due to stress. Taking steps to manage stress may help reduce the frequency or severity of flares.
If your dermatitis doesn’t improve naturally, your doctor or dermatologist may recommend treatments such as:
- medications to reduce allergies and itching, such as antihistamines
- topical creams with a steroid to relieve itchiness and inflammation
- anti-inflammatory medications
Doctors will typically recommend antibiotics or antiviral medications only if an infection has developed.
To assist with reaching an accurate diagnosis, your doctor will likely first perform a physical exam and discuss your medical history. In some cases, a dermatologist can diagnose the type of dermatitis just by looking at the skin.
If there’s reason to suspect you might have an allergic reaction to something, your doctor might order allergy testing.
In some cases, you may require a skin biopsy to help figure out the cause.
Other tests, such as skin swabs and blood tests, can help determine the cause of your dermatitis.
Awareness is the first step in avoiding dermatitis. The only way to prevent contact dermatitis is to avoid contact with allergens or substances that cause rashes.
In some cases, such as with atopic dermatitis, it may not be possible to completely prevent the condition. However, you can take steps to help reduce the frequency or severity of flare-ups. These include:
To prevent flare-ups:
- keeping nails short to avoid scratching
- avoiding harsh products, such as fragranced soaps
- regularly moisturizing to prevent dry skin
- apply a cool compress to the skin
Dermatitis refers to a group of conditions caused by skin inflammation. Examples include atopic dermatitis (eczema), contact dermatitis, dishydrotic dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.
Symptoms of dermatitis can include dry and cracked skin, itchiness, cracked skin, and pain. The cause is often unclear, and triggers can vary depending on the type of dermatitis, but various treatments may help.
Home remedies may help manage symptoms of dermatitis. Thse include avoiding known triggers, moisturizing the skin, and avoiding fragranced soaps. In some cases, doctors may recommend medications such as antihistamines and corticosteroids.
It is best to contact your doctor if you exerience symptoms of dermatitis, or if existing symptoms worsen. Your doctor can accurately diagnose the type of dermatitis and advise on a suitable treatment plan to manage flares.