Luminal B breast cancer is positive for estrogen and sometimes progesterone receptors. It may be positive or negative for epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and has high levels of the protein Ki-67. It grows faster compared to Luminal A.
Luminal B is a specific type of breast cancer. Each type is different, so identifying which you have is key to choosing the treatments that are most likely to help.
Read on to learn what it means to have luminal B breast cancer, how it’s diagnosed, and what you can expect from treatment.
Luminal B breast cancer is 1 of 4 main molecular subtypes of breast cancer. These subtypes are based on a molecular analysis of your cancer, including its:
- hormone receptor (HR) status
- human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/neu or HER2) status
- levels of a protein called Ki-67
Luminal B breast cancer is breast cancer that:
- is HR-positive, including estrogen receptor (ER)-positive, progesterone receptor (PR)-positive, or both, but may also be negative in some cases
- is either HER2-positive or HER2-negative
- has high levels of the protein Ki-67
These characteristics of Luminal B breast cancer mean that it
- Luminal A: This cancer is ER-positive and/or PR-positive, as well as HER2-negative.
- Luminal B: This cancer is ER-positive and/or PR-positive, as well as HER2-positive.
- HER2-positive: This cancer is ER-negative, PR-negative, and HER2-positive.
- Triple-negative: This cancer is ER-negative, PR-negative, and HER2-negative.
Learn more:
There doesn’t appear to be a difference in risk factors for the molecular subtypes of breast cancer. According to a
Factors that may increase your risk of breast cancer include:
- being female
- inheriting certain genetic mutations
- family history of breast cancer
- having your first period before age 12 or menopause after age 55
- alcohol consumption
- having overweight or obesity
- physical inactivity
- taking hormonal contraceptives
- taking hormone replacement therapy after menopause
- not having children or not nursing
Luminal B breast cancer has the
- lump in the breast or underarm
- thickening, swelling, or change in size or shape of the breast
- red, flaky, or dimpling skin
- nipple inversion or nipple discharge
Breast cancer doesn’t always cause symptoms in its early stages. It helps to get familiar with the way your breasts look and feel so you’ll notice changes sooner rather than later. Routine breast cancer screenings can also help detect cancer.
If you have symptoms or concerns about your breasts, talk with a doctor as soon as possible. Breast cancer is easier to treat before it spreads to other areas of the body.
Imaging tests like mammograms can tell you if there’s tissue in your breast that may be indicative of breast cancer. A biopsy of the breast tissue is the only way to confirm this. In a laboratory, the tissue will be tested for certain receptors that can fuel the growth of breast cancer. These tests can tell you about your:
- HR status: Cancer cells that have estrogen or progesterone receptors are HR-positive.
- HER2 status: HER2 testing with a result of
0 or 1+ means it’s HER2-negative. A result of 3+ means it’s HER2-positive. A 2+ result is called “equivocal,” and the HER2 status is unclear. HER2-low is alsopossible, which means there’s a presence of HER2 proteins, but not enough to be classified as HER2-positive. - Ki-67 levels: These proteins help measure the speed of growth and division in cancer cells. A high value means the cancer is more aggressive.
You’re not alone
Living with breast cancer can be challenging. Many people find it helpful to share their experiences with others who are going through the same thing. If you’re looking for connections, here are a few good places to start your search:
- American Cancer Society: Find support from the Reach to Recovery program or the Cancer Survivor’s Network.
- Join the online community to find others with shared experiences.
- CancerCare: Explore the Breast Cancer Support Services for people affected by breast cancer.
- Living Beyond Breast Cancer: Fill out the Peer Match form to connect with others living with breast cancer.
- Young Survival Coalition: Register for Virtual Hangouts for young adults affected by breast cancer.
A lot goes into breast cancer treatment decisions. Aside from your cancer’s general molecular subtype, other factors your doctor will
- age and overall health
- tumor grade and stage at diagnosis
- HER2 status
- whether you’ve inherited certain genetic mutations
- whether you’ve reached menopause
- earlier cancer treatments, if any
Your doctor will tailor treatment to you, which may include:
- Surgery: This includes a lumpectomy or mastectomy to remove cancer cells.
- Radiation therapy: This uses high-energy rays or particles to destroy cancer cells in specific areas.
- Chemotherapy: This is used to shrink tumors before surgery or to destroy cancer cells throughout the body.
Treatment also involves drugs to block the hormones that are helping cancer grow. Some of these are:
Drugs that target HER2 include:
Promising research
In 2020, scientists published a randomized
Their research suggested that neoadjuvant therapy with a combination of ribociclib and letrozole could be an alternative to multi-drug neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
The trial involved high risk postmenopausal women. The women had early stage breast cancer that was HR-positive and HER2-negative. When compared to chemotherapy, the ribociclib and letrozole were found to be just as effective and better tolerated.
It’s important to note that this study was funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals. More independent research into different approaches to treatment is ongoing.
Aside from the subtype, your individual outlook depends on many factors, such as:
- age and overall health
- tumor grade and stage at diagnosis
- HER2 status
- inherited genetic mutations
- menopausal status
- whether you’ve had treatment for cancer before
- how well you respond to treatments
Luminal B breast cancer is a bit more aggressive than luminal A breast cancer. It may grow and spread faster.
According to the
Here’s how it breaks down by stage:
- Localized: 99.6%
- Regional: 86.7%
- Distant: 31.9%
- Unknown: 69.7%
Is Luminal B breast cancer curable?
If the tumor is still localized, it
Another larger
That said, these statistics may not reflect the most current treatments or clinical trials.
Is luminal B cancer rare?
Luminal B cancer represents about
There are different types of breast cancer, and it’s important to identify which type you have.
If you have Luminal B breast cancer, your cancer is usually positive for either estrogen or progesterone hormone receptors and is known for having high levels of the protein Ki-67. This means your tumor may grow faster, and your outlook may be less favorable.
That said, treatment is available. The earlier you’re diagnosed, the better your outlook because the tumor is less likely to have spread.