Whether you want to make small improvements to your lifestyle or treat yourself to some useful knowledge, the Harvard community can help you start something new this year.

Before you choose
A guide to keeping your resolution
Moving forward, even slowly, puts your goals within reach.
If you have a motivation to change, a conscious motivation, you’re more likely to take steps that are hard and require persistence.”Robert Waldinger
Professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of the Harvard Study on Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies on human happiness and wellbeing
Take a free online course
Be part of the Harvard community from anywhere in the world with our online courses.
Concentrate on mental health
Whether you’re looking to increase your happiness or start a mindfulness practice, Harvard experts have resources to help.

Try a mindfulness exercise today
1. Sit
Sit on a straight-backed chair or comfortably on the floor.
2. Focus
Focus on your breath and pay attention to things such as the sensations of air flowing into your nostrils and out of your mouth, or your belly rising and falling as you inhale and exhale.
3. Expand
Once you’ve narrowed your concentration in this way, begin to widen your focus. Become aware of sounds, sensations, and ideas.
4. Embrace
Embrace and consider each thought or sensation without judging it good or bad. If your mind starts to race, return your focus to your breathing. Then expand your awareness again.
Read an engaging book
Focus on physical health
Whether you’re looking to better understand food, learn how to get more sleep, or explore the latest studies on exercise, the Harvard community has the research and resources to help.

Starting can be as simple as finding the right form of exercise
Good exercise for people just starting their routine
Learn more about this accessible way to stay active -
Perfect exercise for people looking for mind and body benefits
Learn more about this 5,000-year-old way to stay active -
Fun exercise for people wanting to practice their moves
High-intensity interval training
Great exercise for people without a lot of time
Learn more about this quick and powerful way to stay active
Subscribe to an informative podcast
Better understand our world through conversations with researchers, leaders, experts, and innovators.
Harvard Thinking
Harvard Gazette
Experts from different disciplines converse about issues that affect people in real, tangible ways.
HBR IdeaCast
Harvard Business Review
Learn the latest from leading thinkers in business and management.
Design Now
Harvard Graduate School of Design
Faculty, researchers, alumni, and students illuminate the many ways in which design is engaged in questions of global politics, culture, and society.
Harvard EdCast
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Explore conversations about what makes a difference for learners, educators, parents, and communities.
Harvard Kennedy School
Leading scholars, researchers, and experts explore evidence-based policy solutions to the big problems we face in our society and our world.
Hope Podcast
Harvard Divinity School
Expand your understanding of the ways religion shapes the world with lectures, interviews, and reflections.
Colloquy Podcast
The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Conversations with visionary scholars and thinkers from the Harvard PhD community.
Harvard Radcliffe Institute
Scholars, students, artists, and doers converse about current affairs, scientific breakthroughs, cutting-edge research, art making, and storytelling.
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