Tom Holland

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Tom Holland

in Oxford, The United Kingdom
January 05, 1968




Tom Holland is an English historian and author. He has written many books, both fiction and non-fiction, on many subjects from vampires to history.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

Holland was born near Oxford and brought up in the village of Broadchalke near Salisbury, England. He obtained a double first in English and Latin at Queens' College, Cambridge, and afterwards studied shortly for a PhD at Oxford, taking Lord Byron as his subject, before interrupting the post graduate studies and moving to London.

He has adapted Herodotus, Homer, Thucydides and Virgil for BBC Radio 4. His novels, including Attis and Deliver Us From Evil, mostly have a supernatural and horror element as well as b

Tom Holland isn't a Goodreads Author (yet), but they do have a blog, so here are some recent posts imported from their feed.
Average rating: 4.12 · 73,230 ratings · 6,735 reviews · 95 distinct worksSimilar authors
Rubicon: The Last Years of ...

4.23 avg rating — 24,231 ratings — published 2003 — 7 editions
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Persian Fire: The First Wor...

4.17 avg rating — 10,831 ratings — published 2005 — 65 editions
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Dominion: How the Christian...

4.27 avg rating — 9,353 ratings — published 2019 — 2 editions
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Dynasty: The Rise and Fall ...

4.16 avg rating — 6,097 ratings — published 2015 — 45 editions
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In the Shadow of the Sword:...

3.90 avg rating — 5,102 ratings — published 2012 — 42 editions
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Millennium: The End of the ...

3.84 avg rating — 4,102 ratings — published 2008 — 47 editions
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Pax: War and Peace in Rome'...

4.20 avg rating — 2,863 ratings — published 2023 — 24 editions
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Lord of the Dead

3.67 avg rating — 1,799 ratings — published 1995 — 35 editions
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The Rest is History: The Of...

3.79 avg rating — 1,431 ratings — published 2023 — 7 editions
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Æthelstan: The Making of En...

4.02 avg rating — 1,081 ratings — published 2016 — 7 editions
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More books by Tom Holland…
Rubicon: The Last Years of ... Dynasty: The Rise and Fall ... Pax: War and Peace in Rome'...
(3 books)
4.21 avg rating — 33,173 ratings

Quotes by Tom Holland  (?)
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“A myth, though, is not a lie. At its most profound—as Tolkien, that devout Catholic, always argued—a myth can be true. To be a Christian is to believe that God became man and suffered a death as terrible as any mortal has ever suffered. This is why the cross, that ancient implement of torture, remains what it has always been: the fitting symbol of the Christian revolution. It is the audacity of it—the audacity of finding in a twisted and defeated corpse the glory of the creator of the universe—that serves to explain, more surely than anything else, the sheer strangeness of Christianity, and of the civilization to which it gave birth. Today, the power of this strangeness remains as alive as it has ever been. It is manifest in the great surge of conversions that has swept Africa and Asia over the past century; in the conviction of millions upon millions that the breath of the Spirit, like a living fire, still blows upon the world; and, in Europe and North America, in the assumptions of many more millions who would never think to describe themselves as Christian. All are heirs to the same revolution: a revolution that has, at its molten heart, the image of a god dead on a cross.”
Tom Holland, Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World

“It was an article of faith to the Romans that they were the most morally upright people in the world. How else was the size of their empire to be explained? Yet they also knew that the Republic's greatness carried its own risks. To abuse it would be to court divine anger. Hence the Roman's concern to refute all charges of bullying, and to insist they had won their empire purely in self-defense.”
Tom Holland, Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic

“I thought, gazing at the beauty of the landscape again, it is as though the fiend has prevailed against the angels, and fixed his throne in a heaven, to rule it as though it were Hell.”
Tom Holland, Lord of the Dead


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