Help Us Protect Immigrants!

I know that every day it feels like something new and alarming is happening on the news. I don’t want you to be overwhelmed, I don’t want you to give up. Always remember you’re part of a community that’s making a difference.

At GLIDE, we are taking concrete steps to make sure the future is one where everyone receives the love and support they need. You can help us make it happen!

So I’m asking you: please sign up to join our Justice Warriors team. You can join this amazing group of GLIDE community members who have been working tirelessly for years to advocate for racial justice, housing and homelessness justice, community health, and intergenerational support for women and families. We write letters, advocate to government officials, send emails, and hold rallies– let us know your preferences for getting involved. Big or small, every action matters and is needed now.

GLIDE stands in solidarity with our clients, staff, and community– with special attention and care for groups that are being targeted right now: immigrants, refugees, LGBT+ people, and BIPOC of all kinds. We will NEVER stop being a sanctuary for all. Our meals and services are for everyone, regardless of documentation or identity! 

Currently, our Center for Social Justice is fighting against budget cuts for sanctuary cities and against scapegoating Black, Brown and LGBT+ people for the overdose crisis. We are offering a monthly unconditional legal clinic, in partnership with the SF Bar Association, for clients who need legal help. 

We have immigration resources on our website, and of course no ICE officer will ever get past our lobby without a warrant.  We also have some projects in the works to better support homeless youth– nearly half the homeless youth in SF are LGBT+. Please stay tuned for updates on how you can help. 

It’s outrageous that churches have been removed as “sensitive” zones: people of every identity should have the right to be themselves– the right to worship in safety, peace and freedom. That’s why we must fight back in the war against diversity, equity, and inclusion. I’ve seen DEI attacked so many times. My husband even wrote a book called Race Track about the dynamics of institutional racism and fighting for equality. This is not a new battle for me. 

As we all know, one of the great heroes of this battle was the Reverend Cecil Williams.  As a child, his most cherished dream was to desegregate the church. Those who choose to engage in a “War on DEI,” are working against Cecil’s dream for all humans to live, pray, and work together in love and togetherness. But I have faith that hatred won’t win. Our love is stronger. 

Join us in the fight. Uphold Cecil’s legacy. I’m counting on you! 


Dr. Gina Fromer