4 Tested Ways to Install Windows 11 on Unsupported CPU

Jan 15, 2023
Updated • Jan 13, 2023
Tutorials, Windows 11 Help

Windows 11 is here and almost everyone is excited to try the new operating system. Apart from new features and a new look, users were also surprised to see the minimum system requirements that came with Windows 11. The requirements were quite stringent and quite a lot of old systems were not eligible for an upgrade. Luckily, we are here to change that. This article will show you four ways you can still get Windows 11 if you don't meet the system requirements.

1. Manually Enroll in Dev Channel

June 24th was the cut-off date to enroll in the Dev channel. Now, unsupported systems can only enroll in the release preview channel. However, there is a way to still get Windows 11. Go to settings and click on update & security. Next, click on the Windows insider program and let it load. Click on get started when it loads. You may be prompted to link to your Microsoft account. Once you do so, select release preview channel and then click confirm. Restart your system once confirmed.

Once your system has rebooted click on the start menu and type regedit. Once the registry editor shows up, click on it. Type the below address in the address bar.


This will bring up many things on the right side of the screen. Open BranchName by double-clicking and inputting Dev in the value. Similarly, open ContentType and input Mainline in the value field, and after opening Ring, input External. If these values don't exist, try enrolling in the insider program again. Restart your computer and you will be part of the Dev Preview ring.

Windows 11 Installation | Bypass System Requirements

2. Enroll in Dev Channel With a Script

If the above method did not work for you, you can enroll in the Dev program using a script. First, download the OfflineInsiderEnroll script from the official page. Once, downloaded, right-click and run as administrator. A command prompt window will open. Choose option 1 and hit enter. The script will run and let you know when it's done. Once done, go to settings and then click on update & security and then click on windows insider program. You will see that you're part of the Dev channel. Check for updates and see if you have a Windows 11 update available.

Windows 11 Installation | Bypass System Requirements

3. Install Windows 11 After Creating a Hybrid Installer

This method should work if the above two didn't. By now you know that the system requirements of Windows 11 do not allow you to go ahead with the installation on ineligible PCs. What if we told you that you can use the Windows 10 installer and install Windows 11? You can do so by creating a hybrid setup.

Checking the Boot Mode  

Open your start menu and type in the words msinfo. You will see system information in the search results. Open the system information and choose system summary from the left pane. On the right side, you will see BIOS mode. Note down what is written next to it.

Creating a USB

Next, download the latest Windows 10 ISO files. Burn the ISO files to a USB. If your BIOS mode was Legacy, you must use the MBR partition scheme. If the mode was UEFI, use GPT. This will create a Windows 11 USB installer.

Creating a Hybrid Installer

Download the latest ISO files for Windows 11. You will find these files from various sites online. Once it is downloaded, open the USB where you have saved the Windows 10 files. Look for the source folder and scroll till you see install.esd or install.wim. Rename it as install1.esd or install1.wim. Go to the Windows 11 ISO file, right-click it and then click on Mount. In a few seconds, you will see a DVD drive popping up in File Explorer. Click that drive and go to the sources folder. Look for install.esd or install.wim. If this extension matches the Windows 10 extension, copy the Windows 11 file and paste it into the Windows 10 folder. If the extensions don't match, you need to convert the Windows 11 install file first. You can then use the installer to upgrade to Windows 11.

Windows 11 Installation | Bypass System Requirements

4. Upgrade Using Compatibility Check File

This method is an addition to the first and second methods. If you get compatibility issues during these steps, you will be told where your system is incompatible. Every Windows setup would have an appraiser service. This will check to see if your computer meets the requirements. You can replace the Windows 11 file with a Windows 10 file.

For this, you must first download the Windows 10 ISO files. Double-click it and mount it. It will now show as a DVD drive. Look for the appraiserres.dll file in the sources folder. Copy that file on your desktop. Now go to your current Window setup and look for the appraisers file. Rename that file as appraiserres1.dll. Now copy the file from your desktop and paste it here. Next, double-click on the setup.exe file. Now, burn your Windows 11 ISO files to a USB drive. Go to the USB drive and open the sources folder. Look for the appraisers DLL file and rename it as appraiserres1.dll. Replace it with the file copied earlier and run the setup file again.

Windows 11 Installation | Bypass System Requirements

Windows 11 Is Within Reach

Now that you know how to install Windows 11 on incompatible systems, you should have the new operating system on your PC in no time. Make sure you follow these steps correctly to get your system upgraded without any errors.


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  1. forlorn said on April 11, 2024 at 1:57 am

    I will forcibly install Windows 10 or Linux over any hardware that comes with Windows 11.

  2. owen said on October 12, 2023 at 11:52 am

    how do i install and upgrade windows 7 to 10 coz am stuck on these ones

  3. rubi gogoi said on October 9, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    i forgotten paasword and i have an another mail id.

  4. Raphael Benzo said on September 24, 2023 at 9:52 pm

    I try to disable the Diagnostics Tracking Service (Connected Devices Platform User Services) but it wont let me disable it, any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Tank you for your help

    1. Anonymous said on October 7, 2023 at 5:28 pm

      Disable it in regedit
      Search the the for a guide

  5. EP said on September 6, 2023 at 11:55 am

    motherboard maker MSI has recently released new BIOS/firmware updates for their Intel 600 & 700 series motherboards to fix the “UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR” problem (Sept. 6):


  6. sembrador said on September 5, 2023 at 9:32 pm

    My advice, I left win 15 years ago. Now I’m a happy linux user (linuxmint) but there is Centos, Fedora, Ubuntu depending on your needs.

  7. Leonard Britvolli said on August 30, 2023 at 10:33 pm

    While there may be changes or updates to the Windows 10 Store for Business and Education in the future, it is premature to conclude that it will be discontinued based solely on rumors.

  8. EP said on August 29, 2023 at 7:32 pm
  9. EP said on August 25, 2023 at 3:10 pm

    motherboard maker MSI has recently released a statement regarding the “unsupported processor” blue screen error for their boards using Intel 600/700 series chipsets & to avoid the KB5029351 Win11 update:

  10. john said on August 24, 2023 at 11:17 pm

    Windows 11 was a pointless release, it was just created because some of the Windows team wanted to boost sales with some sort of new and improved Windows 10. Instead, Microsoft cannot support one version well let alone two.

    1. John G. said on August 25, 2023 at 12:08 pm

      Windows 11 is the worst ugly shame by Microsoft ever. They should release with every new W11 version a complete free version of Starallback inside just to make this sh** OS functionally again.

  11. Anonymous said on August 24, 2023 at 11:05 pm

    1. This update is labaled as PREVIEW if it causes issues to unintelligent people, then they shouldn’t have allowed Preview updates ot install.

    2. I have installed it in a 11 years old computer, and no problems at all.

    3. Making a big drama over a bluescreen for an updated labeled as preview is ridiculous.

    This is probably another BS internet drama where people ran programs and scripts that modified the registry until they broke Windows, just for removing stuff that they weren’t even using just for the sake of it.
    Maybe people should stop playing geeks and actually either use Windows 10 or Windows 11, but don’t try to modify things just for the sake of it.

    Sometimes removing or stopping things (like defender is a perfect example) only need intelligence, not scripts or 3rd party programs that might mess with windows.

  12. ilev said on August 24, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    Microsoft has removed KB5029351 update

    1. EP said on August 24, 2023 at 9:21 pm

      only from windows update though
      KB5029351 is still available from the ms update catalog site

  13. basingstoke said on January 16, 2023 at 11:18 am

    I have become convinced now that anybody who has no qualms with using Windows 11/10 must fit into one of the following brackets:

    1) Too young to remember a time before W10 and W11 (doesn’t know better)

    2) Wants to play the latest games on their PC above anything else (or deeply needs some software which already dropped W7 support)

    3) Doesn’t know too much about how computers work, worried that they’d be absolutely lost and in trouble without the “”latest security””

    4) Microsoft apologist that tries to justify that the latest “features” and “changes” are actually a good thing, that improve Windows

    5) Uses their computer to do a bare minimum of like 3 different things, browse web, check emails, etc, so really doesn’t fuss

    Obviously that doesn’t cover everyone, there’s also the category that:

    6) Actually liked W7 more than 10, and held out as long as possible before switching, begrudgingly uses 10 now

    Have I missed any group off this list?

    1. forlorn said on April 11, 2024 at 1:56 am

      Gamepass is the only reason for me to have a dual boot with Windows 10 at this point. General computer is fantastic on Linux. Gaming on Linux has improved rapidly and drastically in the past 2 years. It works perfectly well at least for me on modern AMD hardware with 5800x and 6800xt and Nobara linux. I’ll only use Windows in a VM just out of morbid curiosity from this point forward. If KVM with single GPU passthrough ever matures, it’s over. Windows has become a second class citizen after decades of being a Windows user.

      Windows 7 => Linux Mint
      Windows 10/11 => Nobara Linux

      Windows in its current incarnation is of no use to me.

    2. Heinz Strunk said on September 19, 2023 at 3:57 pm

      You have missed in this group just about any professional user that uses business software like CAD programs or ERP Programs which are 99% of all professional users from this list.

      Linux doesn’t help anyone who is not a linux kid and apple is just a fancy facebook machine.

  14. Anonymous said on January 16, 2023 at 8:24 am

    Anyone willing to downgrade to this awful OS must like inflicting themselves with harm.

  15. sv said on January 15, 2023 at 6:40 pm

    bit pointless to upgrade for the sake of upgrading as you never know when you’ll get locked out because ms might suddenly not provide updates to unsupported systems.

    ps…. time travelling?
    written. Jan 15, 2023
    Updated • Jan 13, 2023

    1. Martin Brinkmann said on January 16, 2023 at 5:49 am

      This happens when you schedule a post in WordPress and update it before setting the publication date.

  16. Dexter said on January 15, 2023 at 11:14 am

    5. Rufus
    6. Ventoy

    PS. I hate reading these “SEO optimized” articles.

    1. cdr said on January 15, 2023 at 3:32 pm

      I used Rufus to create an installer for a 6th gen intel i5 that had MBR. It upgraded using Setup. No issues except for Win 11 always prompting me to replace my local account. Still using Win 10 Pro on all my other PCs to avoid the bullying.

  17. Dan Donx said on January 15, 2023 at 10:29 am

    What mental age of reader are you targeting with the first sentence? 10?

    Why not write an article on how to *avoid* upgrading from W10 to W11. Analogous to those like me who avoided upgrading from 7 to 10 for as long as possible.

    If your paymaster Microsoft permits it, of course.

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