3D - CADCAM - software for MS-Windows and Linux

gCAD3D has its own


Log-file (new functions): gCAD3D_log.txt

This program is free software (GPL-3); you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see www.gnu.org/licenses/

ThirdPartySoftware used by gCAD3D:
  OpenGL    - 3D-display (www.opengl.org)
  GTK       - Userinterface (www.gtk.org)
  djpeg     - Imagedecompression, the Independent JPEG Group (www.ijg.org)
  GL2PS     - OpenGL to PostScript Printing Library (www.geuz.org/gl2ps/)
  gzip      - file compression / decompression (www.gnu.org/software/gzip/)

Development-toolchain Linux:
  cscope    - SourceCode-browser (cscope.sourceforge.net)
  vim       - Editor (www.vim.org)
  ctags     - SourceCode-IndexSystem (ctags.io)
  GNU-GCC, make, gdb  - C-Compiler (gcc.gnu.org)
  Valgrind  - Debugging (valgrind.org)

Development-toolchain MS-Windows:
  MSYS2     - GNU-tools for Windows, PackageBuilder NSIS

gCAD3D has its own

The creation of geometrical elements / NC-programs can be done by -

The programinterpreter provides functions for -

Functions for making documentations:

Interactions can:

Outputting data is done by the -

The programminginterface offers -


Vordach1 (Sept. 2006, mit gCAD3D konstruiert) Vordach1.zip


Import DXF

gCAD3D - Intersections for NC



Step import from Catia V5 (Contributor: Gerhard Olbert) Motor_step.zip

VRML1-Import (Models von VRweb)


See also:

gCAD3D -howto-Videos:

Use / modify variables
Create / use contours (concatenated curves)
Parametric point on curve
Create and place (internal) submodel
Use application cirpat - create circular points
Create offset-contours and NC-process
Create interactive model
Create GIS-mesh, using files with Ascii-data for points breaklines, boundaries
Create image


Debian-64-bit: gCAD3D-2.60.06-2-bin-amd64.deb
 2024-11-28  405345f1e0dc4a0f0ed8a4bb9f1cfada
Win10-64-bit: gCAD3D-2.60.04-win64.exe
 2023-07-24  95f693458e8a8d9a81c475d4bb85ad5e
Sourcefiles: github.com/gcad3d  -  -  -

Prerequisites for the MS-Windows-version: none (gCAD3D comes with all necessary Gtk-runtimelibraries). Pererequisites for the Linux-version: libc.2.4 or newer, GTK+2, OpenGL/Mesa. Install binary-version Linux (debian-based): sudo dpkg -i gCAD3D-2.XX.XX-bin-amd64.deb - Ubuntu 22: not possible with the default-installer snap-store - use "dpkg -i" or "apt-get install" - Ubuntu 24: cannot be installed - libgtkgl2 does not exist. Uninstall Linux (debian-based): sudo dpkg --purge gcad3d To remove all modelfiles and setupfiles remove directory ~/gCAD3D. Howto build gcad3d from source: install-build

Report bugs or proposals for improvements to support[at]gcad3d.org.
