3D - CADCAM - software for MS-Windows and Linux
gCAD3D has its own
- import and export-programs (Step, Iges, VRML, DXF, SVG ..),
- integrated 3D-OpenGL viewer,
- program interpreter for geometry and NC commands in 3D,
- integrated NC processor.
- programming interface for userprograms (plugins)
- programming interface for RemoteControl
- available for MS-Windows (32-bit), Linux (64 and 32-bit)
Log-file (new functions): gCAD3D_log.txt
- 2025-02-27 update install-info
- 2024-11-28 V2.60.06-2-deb
- 2024-06-27 V2.60.06-deb
- 2024-05-06 Videos autoplay enabled.
- 2023-07-24 V2.60.04
- 2023-06-28 V2.60.02
- 2023-06-11 V2.60.00
- 2023-02-09 V2.50.02-deb
- 2022-11-12 V2.50.00
- 2022-07-14 V2.48.00
- 2022-01-17 V2.46.24
- 2022-01-09 V2.46.22
- 2021-07-18 V2.46.20
- 2020-11-16 V2.46.18
- 2020-06-14 New video surf_split1.ogv
- 2020-05-27 V2.46.16
- 2020-05-21 V2.46.14
- 2020-02-24 V2.46.04
This program is free software (GPL-3); you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see www.gnu.org/licenses/
ThirdPartySoftware used by gCAD3D:
OpenGL - 3D-display (www.opengl.org)
GTK - Userinterface (www.gtk.org)
djpeg - Imagedecompression, the Independent JPEG Group (www.ijg.org)
GL2PS - OpenGL to PostScript Printing Library (www.geuz.org/gl2ps/)
gzip - file compression / decompression (www.gnu.org/software/gzip/)
Development-toolchain Linux:
cscope - SourceCode-browser (cscope.sourceforge.net)
vim - Editor (www.vim.org)
ctags - SourceCode-IndexSystem (ctags.io)
GNU-GCC, make, gdb - C-Compiler (gcc.gnu.org)
Valgrind - Debugging (valgrind.org)
Development-toolchain MS-Windows:
MSYS2 - GNU-tools for Windows, PackageBuilder NSIS
gCAD3D has its own
- import and export-programs,
- integrated 3D-OpenGL viewer,
- program interpreter for geometry and NC commands in 3D,
- programming interface for userprograms (plugins), NC-processors
The creation of geometrical elements / NC-programs can be done by -
- interactive generated geometric objects or
- manually generated commands or by the
- import module (Step - Iges - dxf) or by the
- Mockup import module (Vrml-1 - obj ..) or by loading a
- datafile created by program or by
- special importprocessors (user-programs)
The programinterpreter provides functions for -
- creation and spatial visualisation of data
- NC-work, direct and program controlled
- preparation of data (building contours ..)
- analysis of data
- programming functions
Functions for making documentations:
- Display of 2D-draftings, 3D-models and images (bitmaps) in the same 3D-model space
- drafts and models can be generated / modified dynamically
- all graphic objects can be connected with interactions
Interactions can:
- call models (like HTML - HREF)
- call programs (start plugins)
- change the viewport
- change model parameter (dimensions ..)
Outputting data is done by the -
- DXF, IGES or STEP export module or the
- standard ISO postprocessor
- special export processors (user-programs)
- native format APT3D
The programminginterface offers -
- creation and analysis of geometric objects
- interactive dialog functions (selections ..)
- automatic compile, link and reload at runtime (DLL's in C)
Vordach1 (Sept. 2006, mit gCAD3D konstruiert)
Import DXF
gCAD3D - Intersections for NC
Step import from Catia V5 (Contributor: Gerhard Olbert)
VRML1-Import (Models von VRweb)
See also:
Prerequisites for the MS-Windows-version:
none (gCAD3D comes with all necessary Gtk-runtimelibraries).
Pererequisites for the Linux-version:
libc.2.4 or newer, GTK+2, OpenGL/Mesa.
Install binary-version Linux (debian-based):
sudo dpkg -i gCAD3D-2.XX.XX-bin-amd64.deb
- Ubuntu 22: not possible with the default-installer snap-store
- use "dpkg -i" or "apt-get install"
- Ubuntu 24: cannot be installed - libgtkgl2 does not exist.
Uninstall Linux (debian-based):
sudo dpkg --purge gcad3d
To remove all modelfiles and setupfiles remove directory ~/gCAD3D.
Howto build gcad3d from source: install-build
Report bugs or proposals for improvements to support[at]gcad3d.org.