With Emails: 1,024,527
With Postal & Phones: 913,400
All the lists on FrescoData’s databases are opt-in and legally comply with each Country’s marketing regulations.
FrescoData’s Industry Sector lists are segmented into many fields and offer a variety of selects, including:
Country | Phone & Direct Mail |
Argentina | 5,059 | 5,173 |
Australia | 13,892 | 16,055 |
Bahrain | 63,999 | 64,628 |
Belgium | 7,864 | 5,446 |
Brazil | 13,531 | 15,129 |
Canada | 18,645 | 12,379 |
Chile | 29,511 | 27,977 |
China | 12,007 | 10,575 |
Colombia | 12,043 | 14,190 |
Denmark | 10,410 | 11,806 |
Egypt | 8,556 | 8,329 |
Finland | 23,318 | 23,058 |
France | 11,164 | 10,693 |
Germany | 31,663 | 30,685 |
Hong Kong | 15,491 | 11,398 |
India | 13,443 | 11,789 |
Indonesia | 17,060 | 23,729 |
Ireland | 12,270 | 11,955 |
Italy | 10,739 | 9,780 |
Japan | 16,396 | 12,161 |
Kuwait | 16,284 | 16,172 |
Malaysia | 13,395 | 13,323 |
Mexico | 22,878 | 22,470 |
Netherlands | 12,617 | 10,968 |
New Zealand | 12,424 | 12,367 |
Peru | 25,725 | 23,255 |
Philippines | 11,452 | 8,413 |
Poland | 12,762 | 14,834 |
Russia | 23,235 | 26,541 |
Saudi Arabia | 25,841 | 24,686 |
Singapore | 13,243 | 12,511 |
South Africa | 30,115 | 26,035 |
South Korea | 28,636 | 23,183 |
Spain | 12,811 | 11,254 |
Switzerland | 18,462 | 12,497 |
Taiwan | 8345 | 6,062 |
Thailand | 12,458 | 11,885 |
Turkey | 23,745 | 25,884 |
UAE | 218,200 | 158,430 |
UK | 42,341 | 39,281 |
USA | 68,205 | 58,437 |
Venezuela | 11,020 | 6,719 |
Vietnam | 13,272 | 11,258 |
Total | 1,024,527 | 913,400 |
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