Germany Email Lists and Mailing Lists

Germany Email List

Germany Total Contacts

Contacts by Job Roles

With Emails: 822,900
With Postal & Phones: 807,512

Contacts by Industries

With Emails: 1,174,093
With Postal & Phones: 1,143,765

Our meticulously curated Germany email addresses list provides you with direct access to a diverse and influential audience in Germany, allowing you to seamlessly connect with key decision-makers, industry professionals, and potential clients. Whether you’re launching a marketing campaign, promoting a product, or seeking strategic partnerships, our Germany Email database offers a tailored solution to elevate your outreach efforts.

All the lists on FrescoData’s databases are opt-in and legally comply with each country’s marketing regulations.

The infographic below shows the percentage split of the Job Roles in our Germany lists:

Germany Email List Segmentation by Job Roles

Segmentation of Germany contacts by Job Roles:

Job Roles Email Phone & Direct Mail
Engineering 40,808 36,065
Finance 75,607 73,122
HR 45,446 43,989
IT 56,722 57,695
Legal 44,036 43,113
Marketing 81,127 83,421
Media & Communication 50,234 53,254
Operations 57,766 51,882
Product Management 54,442 50,239
Program & Project Management 43,560 46,074
Purchasing 52,956 50,124
Quality Assurance 44,019 47,154
Research 51,371 48,553
Sales/Business Development 80,736 78,190
Senior Management 44,070 44,637
Total 822,900 807,512

The infographic below shows the percentage split of the Industries in our Germany lists:

Germany Email Addresses List Segmentation by Industries

Segmentation of Germany contacts by Industries:

Industries Email Phone & Direct Mail
Business Services 36,180 39,580
Automotive 26,281 23,238
Banking + Financial Services 32,749 31,613
Media & Publishing 46,064 47,189
Information Technology 42,538 36,880
Construction 40,295 48,077
Consumer Goods & Services 57,447 55,824
Manufacturing 34,700 31,121
Government 17,641 14,326
Education 45,115 39,531
Healthcare 50,155 57,059
Hospitality & Travel 47,005 52,601
Human Resources 32,062 27,973
Industrial Automation 42,724 38,429
Insurance 34,358 29,628
Investment Banking & Venture Capital 32,521 35,487
Law Practice + Legal Services 25,618 23,206
Supply Chain & Logistics 31,851 33,599
Marketing & Advertising 89,665 82,751
Mining & Metals 31,663 30,685
Nonprofit Organization Management 31,344 28,352
Oil & Energy + Renewables & Environment + Utilities 48,934 43,763
Pharmaceuticals 34,498 35,757
Public Relations & Communications 22,342 24,910
Real Estate 34,154 32,519
Research 45,201 40,094
Retail 79,531 72,500
Telecommunications + Wireless 36,170 38,691
Warehousing 21,457 21,881
Wholesale 23,830 26,501
Total 1,174,093 1,143,765

Data Compliance in Germany

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the principal regulation governing data protection, including rules related to email marketing, in Germany.

Additionally, Germany has its national laws, such as the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz or BDSG), which supplements the GDPR. These regulations require explicit, legally documented written consent before marketers can engage their audience via email.

The sender must be easily identifiable, an option for unsubscribing must be clearly visible, and the complete name and physical address of the company sending the email must be present in the body of the email. Non-compliance is punishable by law, and Germany enforces these regulations rigorously.

Our Germany Email list has the following features:

  • The senior management business executives contained within the mailing and email lists are proven responders to a variety of marketing campaigns or can be used for data appending and enrichment needs.
  • Our entire Germany email list file of top business executives is guaranteed to be accurate and has been verified by our internal data analysis team.
  • Our Germany email addresses lists are updated semi-annually, conforming to all requirements set by the Direct Marketing Association and complying with CAN-SPAM.
  • The email list of executives by FrescoData is offered at a minimum order value of $5,000; however, there are several levels of volume discounts.
  • Our email list is divided into three categories: regions, industries, and job functions.
  • All of our lists are available for one-time rental at a lower price or can be licensed for multiple use or multiple-year usage.


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