With Emails: 822,900
With Postal & Phones: 807,512
With Emails: 1,174,093
With Postal & Phones: 1,143,765
Our meticulously curated Germany email addresses list provides you with direct access to a diverse and influential audience in Germany, allowing you to seamlessly connect with key decision-makers, industry professionals, and potential clients. Whether you’re launching a marketing campaign, promoting a product, or seeking strategic partnerships, our Germany Email database offers a tailored solution to elevate your outreach efforts.
All the lists on FrescoData’s databases are opt-in and legally comply with each country’s marketing regulations.
The infographic below shows the percentage split of the Job Roles in our Germany lists:
Job Roles | Phone & Direct Mail | |
Engineering | 40,808 | 36,065 |
Finance | 75,607 | 73,122 |
HR | 45,446 | 43,989 |
IT | 56,722 | 57,695 |
Legal | 44,036 | 43,113 |
Marketing | 81,127 | 83,421 |
Media & Communication | 50,234 | 53,254 |
Operations | 57,766 | 51,882 |
Product Management | 54,442 | 50,239 |
Program & Project Management | 43,560 | 46,074 |
Purchasing | 52,956 | 50,124 |
Quality Assurance | 44,019 | 47,154 |
Research | 51,371 | 48,553 |
Sales/Business Development | 80,736 | 78,190 |
Senior Management | 44,070 | 44,637 |
Total | 822,900 | 807,512 |
The infographic below shows the percentage split of the Industries in our Germany lists:
Industries | Phone & Direct Mail | |
Business Services | 36,180 | 39,580 |
Automotive | 26,281 | 23,238 |
Banking + Financial Services | 32,749 | 31,613 |
Media & Publishing | 46,064 | 47,189 |
Information Technology | 42,538 | 36,880 |
Construction | 40,295 | 48,077 |
Consumer Goods & Services | 57,447 | 55,824 |
Manufacturing | 34,700 | 31,121 |
Government | 17,641 | 14,326 |
Education | 45,115 | 39,531 |
Healthcare | 50,155 | 57,059 |
Hospitality & Travel | 47,005 | 52,601 |
Human Resources | 32,062 | 27,973 |
Industrial Automation | 42,724 | 38,429 |
Insurance | 34,358 | 29,628 |
Investment Banking & Venture Capital | 32,521 | 35,487 |
Law Practice + Legal Services | 25,618 | 23,206 |
Supply Chain & Logistics | 31,851 | 33,599 |
Marketing & Advertising | 89,665 | 82,751 |
Mining & Metals | 31,663 | 30,685 |
Nonprofit Organization Management | 31,344 | 28,352 |
Oil & Energy + Renewables & Environment + Utilities | 48,934 | 43,763 |
Pharmaceuticals | 34,498 | 35,757 |
Public Relations & Communications | 22,342 | 24,910 |
Real Estate | 34,154 | 32,519 |
Research | 45,201 | 40,094 |
Retail | 79,531 | 72,500 |
Telecommunications + Wireless | 36,170 | 38,691 |
Warehousing | 21,457 | 21,881 |
Wholesale | 23,830 | 26,501 |
Total | 1,174,093 | 1,143,765 |
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the principal regulation governing data protection, including rules related to email marketing, in Germany.
Additionally, Germany has its national laws, such as the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz or BDSG), which supplements the GDPR. These regulations require explicit, legally documented written consent before marketers can engage their audience via email.
The sender must be easily identifiable, an option for unsubscribing must be clearly visible, and the complete name and physical address of the company sending the email must be present in the body of the email. Non-compliance is punishable by law, and Germany enforces these regulations rigorously.
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