Google Sheets is a perfect go-to tool for organizing information and projects in just about any organization. It’s included with a Google Workspace account, and real-time collaboration and cloud sharing help you eliminate messy back-and-forth with collaborators.
When you’re ready to manage more complex projects, though, you might want to step up to more sophisticated project management methods. You can do that without springing for pricey new software—just grab a Gantt chart template for Google Sheets.
How To Use a Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart is a project management tool that helps you visualize timelines for your project at a glance. It includes information about tasks you need to complete, dates to begin each task and how long it’ll take to complete each task.
The design of a Gantt chart helps you set realistic start and finish dates for the project and individual tasks because it helps you easily see where timelines might overlap and overload team members. It also helps you organize priorities and timelines because you can see how contingent tasks fit in the plan.
The basic layout of a Gantt chart is similar to a spreadsheet, which makes it an easy fit for a tool like Sheets.
How To Make a Gantt Chart in Sheets
Follow these steps to make a Gantt chart in Google Sheets from scratch.
(Don’t want to start at the beginning? Grab our Gantt chart template for Google Sheets!)
Step 1: Create a Sheet for the Project
Open a new sheet in the app and enter your project information into the spreadsheet, just like you would if you were creating a basic, spreadsheet project management system.
List the project’s tasks, with one row per task, in the farthest left column. For each task, include two more columns:
- Start date: when you’ll begin working on the task.
- End date: when you’ll finish the task.
Set the date format in the cells however you like.

You can enter start and end times for all of your project’s tasks right on the spreadsheet.
Step 2: Add Duration Data
Below the project information in the spreadsheet, add duration information by creating the following columns:
- Task name: same as above.
- Start day: the day, noted as a number of days from the start day of Task 1, which is 0.
- Duration: the number of days to complete the task.
You can manually enter the duration or calculate with this Google Sheet formula:
- End date – Start date = Duration
For example, if your Start date is in column B and End date is in column C, use this formula:
- =sum(C3-B3)
Repeat the formula for your full task list by selecting the first duration cell where you’ve entered the formula, clicking the blue box in the corner and dragging it to the bottom of the column.
Step 3: Make a Stacked Bar Graph
To visualize your data, you’ll start by creating a bar graph. To do that:
- Highlight the cells in the second table you created.
- Select “Insert” from the menu, then “Chart.”
This makes a stacked bar graph with your start days as the X-axis. You can also see your duration highlighted on the bars in red.
Step 4: Edit Settings on the Bar Graph To Get a Gantt Chart Look
The first thing you want to do is get rid of the blue bars representing your start days. To do that:
- Click on the chart, then click on any blue bar to select all of them.
- The “Chart Editor” should open on the right. In the “Customize” tab, under “Series,” set the “fill opacity” (which is at 100%) to 0%.
That’ll get rid of the blue lines and get your graph looking more like a Gantt chart.

The bar graph serves as a visualization of your chart’s most important data points.
Step 5: Get Rid of the Labels
To delete the column labels on the top of your chart, click on the graph, then click on the Start day or Duration label to select both.
Then hit “delete” on your keyboard, or in the “Chart Editor” under “Customize” → “Legend” → “Position,” select “None.”
Step 6: Adjust Your Gantt Chart Titles
You can name your chart after your project by double-clicking on the existing title of the graph to highlight it, then typing in the chart’s new name. Or you can update the “Title Text” in the “Chart Editor” under “Customize” → “Chart & Axis Titles.”
In the same section, you can change the axis titles by clicking the drop-down menu that says “Chart Title” and selecting the titles you’d like to change.
Then you’ll have a Gantt chart! The chart is tied to your spreadsheet tables, so any adjustments you make in the tables will automatically update the visual chart.

Step 7: Share the Gantt Chart With Collaborators
You can share a Gantt chart in Google Sheets in a variety of ways, depending on your colleagues’ preferences.
- Share the Sheet in Google Drive. Click the “Share” button at the top right of your Google Sheets screen to adjust sharing settings for the Sheet. You can set it so anyone in your organization has access, only certain email addresses have access or anyone with the link has access. Also choose access levels: Editor, Commenter or Viewer. Sharing this way lets your collaborators always have access to the most updated version of the chart.
- Email as an attachment. Under “File” → “Email” → “Email this file,” you can send your Sheet as an attachment via email. Once the “Email this file” window pops up, you can select from a drop-down list of file format options: PDF, Open Office Spreadsheet or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- Download the chart. Under “File” → “Download,” you can download a version of your spreadsheet and Gantt chart as a PDF, Microsoft Excel, OpenDocument and other formats.
Gantt Chart Template for Google Sheets
Don’t want to work from scratch? Grab our Gantt chart template for Google Sheets, and just enter your project’s data to get started!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Google Sheets templates?
A template in Google Sheets (or other Workspace apps, including Docs) is a file you can share with collaborators, your organization or publicly. It lets them create a new file using your existing design and formulas. You can find them in the Template Gallery from your Google Sheets (or other app) screen.
Does Google Sheets have a Gantt chart template built in?
No, the standard version does not. You can create a more sophisticated Gantt chart through Google Charts, a Google Developers tool. Its chart gallery includes a guide to creating a Gantt chart. While there’s no native Gantt chart template, you can grab our template or follow the steps above to create your own.
How do I create a calendar in Google Sheets?
You can manually format a sheet by changing the size of columns and rows, filling in the days of the week and adding dates appropriately. However, most users prefer to download a free template so they can skip the tedious work.
What are the benefits of project management software?
Project management software helps you to plan, organize, budget and track the progress of a company project. It also unites a team around shared goals so all are working toward a successful project completion. In dispersed teams, growing businesses or across multiple departments, this can be difficult to do without a software people can join and access from their own devices wherever and whenever they work.