You know a lot more about budgeting than you probably think. Even if you’ve never done any kind of household budgeting at all, you almost certainly already have had significant experience with it.

If you were ever a child counting up a pocketful of change to see which candy bar you would get, you’ve budgeted. If you’ve ever sat with a handful of playing cards and tried to decide how best to deploy your aces and trumps, that’s a budgeting experience as well. So is saving your energy so you can finish a 5K or considering whether a fatty dessert will blow your diet.

Budgeting, broadly speaking, is deciding how to expend resources so they’ll produce the most good. It’s as central to human behavior as just about anything, and you’ve been doing it almost since you were born. You are a budgeting expert, even if you don’t know it. But there’s almost certainly a lot more you can profitably learn about it.

Economists have studied household budgets for many decades. As far back as 1927, participants at a roundtable at the American Economic Association debated the merits of family budgeting techniques.

Despite all this study, no single approach to budgeting has been found to be best for every person. That’s likely because people, as well as their individual financial situations, vary so widely. As a person who wants to make the most of your pocketful of change, it’s up to you to evaluate the various ways to budget and find one that you are comfortable with and that works for you.

This may seem daunting—and the economic upheaval brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic has made people hyperaware of their personal financial situations.

Seemingly endless varieties of personal budgeting techniques have been devised. Celebrities promote some; accountants favor others. It may be overkill to learn about all of them, but it does make sense to survey some of the most popular approaches and see which ones appeal to you. Then, try a few out and put one into practice as your tried-and-true favorite.

Time-Tested Approaches to Budgeting

Learning about budgeting and other aspects of financial management is an excellent idea, as much research has shown. For instance, a 2016 study published in the American Economic Journal compared U.S. Army recruits who’d completed a financial literacy course with those who hadn’t. It found the course reduced the likelihood of recruits who carried credit card balances having delinquencies. Financially literate soldiers also substantially increased retirement savings rates and average monthly contributions for at least two years after taking the course.

With that in mind, here are five time-tested approaches to budgeting.

1. The 50-20-30 Budget

The 50-20-30 budget is a newer idea in budgeting and gets a boost from a celebrity tie-in—U.S. senator from Massachusetts and 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren introduced it in a 2006 bestselling book called All Your Worth. The basic idea is simple enough. You envision three buckets into which you will pour your take-home pay:

  • Mandatory must-haves. These account for half (50%) of your after-tax income. They include essentials such as rent, mortgage, utilities, food, transportation, health costs and childcare.
  • Savings and debt. Another 20% of your take-home goes into the savings and debt bucket. You’ll use these funds to create a rainy day fund, pay down credit card balances and other loans and save for retirement.
  • Wants. The remaining 30% bucket pays for stuff you just want, rather than need. That includes restaurant meals, cable TV subscriptions, movie and game tickets, gym memberships, fashionable clothing and the like.

One nice thing about the 50-20-30 plan is that it recognizes that the stuff you just want isn’t unimportant. Devoting nearly a third of your income to optional indulgences seems reasonable, if not extravagant. At the same time, it puts far more emphasis on savings and debt reduction than the average American does. And with just three buckets to think about, it’s also simple enough for anybody to follow.

If you haven’t tried budgeting yet, the 50-20-30 approach is worth considering.

2. Zero-Based Budgeting

Zero-based budgeting is a method that probably gets less attention than it deserves. Despite its label, zero-based budgeting is fairly intuitive and easy to do. And it can be highly effective.

To do zero-based budgeting, start with a number representing your monthly take-home. Then make a list of your expense categories. These will be things like rent or mortgage, groceries, health insurance, utilities and the like. Remember to include categories such as building an emergency fund and saving for retirement.

Next to each item, write down how much you anticipate spending on it in the next month. This is easy for items like rent and cable TV, but it may require some estimating of items like eating out.

Now write the amount of your take-home pay at the top of the list of numbers. Subtract the amount you are spending on each category from the take-home pay. You should get a zero at the bottom. If not, go back and make some adjustments.

If the bottom line is negative, you need to cut back on plans for restaurants or cancel your gym membership to make a zero appear at the bottom. Or, if you have a positive number, you could find that you’re able to put more into savings or pay down your student loans.

The nice thing about zero-based budgeting is that it makes sure that every dollar you have to spend is accounted for. As you do it at the start of each month, you’ll get better at making estimates and have more understanding of why you are limiting some expenses. It’s more labor-intensive and time-consuming than some other techniques. But if you desire the most financial efficiency you can get, zero-based budgeting is a good place to look for it.

3. Envelope Budgeting

The envelope budget technique gets its name from the paper containers that help to organize your cash. It can be used with the zero-based budget method and other budgets, but it only works with hard cash. With this approach, instead of labeling a line on a piece of paper, you label an actual envelope with spending categories including must-haves such as a mortgage, doctor bills and groceries, as well as potential wants like restaurant meals, shopping and entertainment. You’ll also have savings categories, including an emergency fund, retirement and perhaps a home down payment.

Into these envelopes, you stuff the folding money left from your paycheck after taxes and other deductions. One nice thing about the envelope method is that it’s more visual and tactile than adding and subtracting numbers. You can get an idea of how much you have left to spend on eating out this month by simply hefting or checking out the size of the bulge in the envelope labeled “Restaurants.”

The envelope method is somewhat old-fashioned. For modern digital consumers who may touch cash only rarely, it can be inconvenient to convert their paychecks into cash. But if the idea appeals to you, check it out. Envelope budgeting has been around a long time because it works. (The Goodbudget app brings envelope budgeting into the digital age.)

As an aside, some research suggests using a particular style of the envelope method may be a more effective way to build up savings. The wrinkle is that instead of labeling the envelope with a verbal description of whatever you are saving, you stick on a picture of it. This photo-tagging is a refinement of ear-marking and studies have found it can help savers put significantly more away.

4. The Weekly Allowance

The above budgeting techniques aim to account for all your income and expenses for the month. The weekly allowance approach breaks it down to a weekly time period, and focuses on discretionary expenses. It’s essentially the same as the weekly allowances collected by many people as a teenager: You get this much to spend as you like, but, when it’s gone, there is no more until next week.

The allowance tactic works best when used in conjunction with something like zero-based budgeting. That’s because you only give yourself an allowance for discretionary items, so you need another way to make sure you can pay for the essentials. To set up a weekly allowance, take whatever is left over after you’ve zero-based all your must-spends and divide it into four. Each of these quarter amounts is your allowance for that week.

It’s a little more complicated most of the time because discretionary expenses include more than trips to the mall and Sunday brunch dates. Other discretionary expenses such as premium cable television subscriptions and fitness club memberships are paid monthly but need to come out of the allowance funds.

One of the nice things about the weekly allowance is that it focuses on a shorter period of time, involving smaller amounts of money that are easier to grasp. Also, if you make a mistake and blow your weekly allowance by Thursday, it only impacts the few days until the start of the next week and not the balance of the entire month.

5. The Gig Worker’s Budget

Budgeting is easiest when income is predictable. But, for many freelancers, independent contractors, 1099 workers and other members of the gig economy, income can fluctuate substantially from month to month. How to handle this? To budget effectively as a gig worker requires some simple arithmetic in the form of averaging.

Instead of looking at a single month for your income, look at the entire year. Add it up and divide by 12. Do the same for variable expenses, such as gasoline for a ride-sharing driver. You’ll use these averages to do your planning.

Of course, reality will vary from the arithmetical average. In some months, you’ll potentially earn less and have higher expenses. This means the gig work budgeter has to build in some padding. Don’t shoot for zero-based budgeting, but budgeting that gives you some room to cover the inevitable fluctuations.

The World of Budgeting Apps

Quicken, which came out in 1984, was one of the first apps that made personal computers must-have devices for the masses. And one of the things people liked about it was how it could help them track and categorize expenses and automatically generate budgets.

Today, millions of people still rely on the pioneering personal financial software for budgeting and other money-related business, and it’s been joined by hundreds of other apps specifically targeting budgeting. Most of these apps run on smartphones and have capabilities far beyond Quicken’s early editions.

Apps like Mint can automatically grab transactions from credit cards and other accounts and use them to assemble a spending picture almost as fast as you can distribute your dough. These apps can significantly simplify the budgeting task by providing accurate, complete, up-to-date information. No matter which of these approaches to budgeting you favor, a budget-focused app can be a powerful ally.

Bottom Line

Budgeting is a big topic, but only because there are so many ways to go about it. With a modest amount of study and experimentation, it’s possible to find a budgeting technique that fits your personality and needs.

As noted above, you probably already know more about budgeting than you think and have prior experience with it as well. The truth is, budgeting is already your best financial friend. You just didn’t know it until now.