Thanks to Einstein, we have grown comfortable with the idea of time as relative; speed, motion, one's whole frame of reference affects the measurement of time. But now we might have to get used to the idea that there is no time at all--not even a grand flow from the past to the present and into the unknown future.

According to Carlo Rovelli, professor of physics at the Universite de la Mediterrannee in Marseille, France, what we perceive as time could be nothing more than our way of simplifying the universe. Although the notion of time's absence is usually associated with quantum physics, Rovelli wants to broaden to our everyday experience. In other words, he literally believes there is no time.

"It is well-known that the distinction between past and future disappears when one goes to micro-physics," he says. "A different step is to expect that at the fundamental level there is no time."

Take the example of a teacup, sitting on a table, which then falls and smashes into several pieces on the floor. There is nothing surprising about this sequence of events for us. But the idea that the pieces could fly back together and become a whole teacup again seems entirely impossible.

But it's not actually impossible. There is nothing in the laws of physics that would make such an event impossible--it is only very improbable. It is only because of our limited view of the world, Rovelli argues, that we reject highly improbable future propositions and turn them into impossibilities.

Rovelli believes that if we were able to see past the general picture of the broken teacup, and process the detailed location and physical state of every single fragment, we would be able to predict a seemingly impossible future--the cup coming back together as a whole.

There is one problem with such a picture, says Robin Le Poidevin, professor of philosophy at Leeds University and author of several books on time. While it may be physically possible for the teacup to get back together and leap back onto the table, it will not do so without a cause.

"Causality provides the missing link," says Le Poidevin. He believes that there is a flow of time, although it is not one that moves independently from past to future. Instead, it is made up of a causal chain, with each cause having an effect that leads to another, and so on.

In other words, we cannot see a future where the teacup gets back together if there is no obvious cause for it. But Rovelli's argument is that we cannot see this future because we are simply not physically equipped to perceive it.

"Causality is something in our mind," counters Rovelli. "We do see into the future to some extent, and we do see into the past to some extent. For instance, if I throw a ball, I know it will hit the door." Likewise, he adds, if he sees a photograph of the ball later on, his memory will offer him a glimpse of the past.

In fact, Rovelli and Le Poidevin are almost making the same point: that human perception is the dominant factor in the way we interpret time. The philosopher J.M.E. McTaggart made a similar point 100 years ago, when he said that past, present and future were far from absolute: Future events would become the past at some point, while the past had been at some stage in time also the future.

This simple notion led McTaggart to question the whole notion of time's flow. A future event could be seen as moving closer toward us in the present, before crossing our paths and eventually receding into history. Every event could be put in the category of past, present or future.

This idea of interchangeable tenses was contradictory, even impossible, for McTaggart; he came to the controversial conclusion that "nothing really changes, and nothing is really in time."

But if our perception of time is flawed, or paradoxical, the question is: What lies outside our perception? Is time showing itself to be completely reversible, as in the quantum-level physical equations that inspired Rovelli's view, or is there still some sense of cause and effect, as in Le Poidevin's more philosophical take?

There is no firm answer as yet. But these theories show that our notion of time is looking distinctly blinkered, and could some day be extinct--although it may take a little time to get used to it.