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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Blog / General / Project interna / Feel free to say “Thank you”

Feel free to say “Thank you”

Hi folks,

over the last few years, some of you have asked me how they could send me a small donation to recognize my efforts on the FlatPress project.
This means a lot to me, not for the money, but for your gratitude.

I’ve finally managed to set up a PayPal account and a SEPA bank account for this - so if you want to send a little “Thank you”, feel free to do so now:

Thanks a lot to all of you!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Blog / News / Project interna / Latest development news

Latest development news

Old photograph of a man working with a Commodore PET computer.
Rare picture of the FlatPress main development machine

Hi folks,

viewed from the outside, it seems rather quiet around the FlatPress project. But just look at the picture to see how hard we’re actually working behind the scenes! ;)

In fact, things are really moving nicely. In total, we have three active development branches:

Main development

In the master branch, we’re working on “normal” features and bugfixes for the next FlatPress version. Talking about the new Gallery captions plugin, improvements of the Leggero theme and many smaller and bigger bugfixes. Oh, and the cool PhotoSwipe plugin made it into the standard FlatPress package!

For all details, see the current change log.

PHP 8.1 compatibility

We need to make FlatPress working with PHP 8.1 properly. This aim contains two main tasks:

  • Update the Smarty template engine to its current 4.x version.
    This has been done in the Smarty update branch - now we need to make sure everything works fine. If you feel like supporting our project, please help us testing!

  • Change all internal date formattings.
    With the current “%Y-%m-%d” style of the deprecated strftime() function, FlatPress throws ugly warnings under PHP 8.1. We opened issue 92 for that, the development will take place in the strftime branch.

New Admin Area

Honestly, it’s a shame this gem isn’t part of a final FlatPress version yet. Franah built a completely new Admin Area which brings a new fresh touch to working with FlatPress. Also, it’s reponsive, meaning it adapts to your screen size and works flawlessly even on your mobile gizmo.

If you want to take a look into it, please feel free to get it from the Responsive Admin branch. Of course, it also contains all the bugfixes and features from the master branch.

Share your findings and opinion on the new Admin Area on the support forum.

Be part of the development!

You’re warmly invited to grab FlatPress from the described development branches and test the heck out of it.
Simply follow the link to each branch on GitHub, hit the green “Code” button in the upper right, and select “Download ZIP”. Then just install FlatPress on any web server, e.g. in a subdirectory of your blog site. To get rid of it later again, simply delete this subdirectory :)

Report any bugs and glitches or simply let us know what you think about the new features on the support forum.
Also, follow FlatPress on Mastodon or Twitter to stay in touch with the latest progress of your favourite blogging engine.

For any further questions or suggestions, please drop a line in the comments below.

All the best,

Image: “HRA computer lab - ~1983” by Blake Patterson - licensed under CC BY 2.0

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Blog / Project interna / Current development status: New Admin Area and PHP 8.1

Current development status: New Admin Area and PHP 8.1

Hi everybody,

here’s a little update on the current development status of FlatPress. We’re actively working on two main topics: The new Admin Area and getting FlatPress PHP 8.1 compatible.

New Admin Area

As described in the last blog posting, franah created a great new Admin Area for FlatPress: It looks fresh and awesome, adapts to your screen size, and also works great on mobile devices.
It is quite complete, and now it needs a lots of testing with different themes, plugins, and page content. We have to make sure everything works fine, so please help us testing!

Check out the future of FlatPress, and test the heck out of it :)

PHP 8.1 compatibility

FlatPress throws ugly errors when run under the current PHP version 8.1. This is because it uses functions PHP 8.1 marks as deprecated. In order to keep running correctly, FlatPress needs to be reworked.
One main issue here is that we still utilize the outdated version 2.6 of the template engine Smarty - which is not ready for PHP 8.1. So our first step to PHP 8.1 compatibility is to update Smarty to its current version 4 (Issue 94). What sounds quite easy, is actually a lot of work, since Smarty changed a lot in between. I’m still working on it (Branch on GitHub), but some effects become clear already:

  • With the new Smarty version, FlatPress will require at least PHP 7.1. (Until now, PHP 5.6 is minium.)
  • Themes and plugins may need some overhauling. The name of many Smarty functions has changed, and it has become less tolerant when it comes to template syntax.

As soon as Smarty is up-to-date, we can work on the PHP 8.1 compatibility of the FlatPress code itself (Issue 92). Main task here is the strftime() function that has become deprecated. Its date and time formats (e.g., “%Y-%m-%d” - check out the “International settings” options in your FlatPress settings!) most likely have to be changed to the format of the date() function (e.g., “Y-m-d”). This also may require some sort of automatically updating these date format settings.

Schedule for the next FlatPress versions

PHP 8.1 compatibility is quite urgent, since this is the current PHP version for quite a while now. And since the Admin Area still needs testing, the next FlatPress version 1.3 could bring PHP 8.1 compatibility and then 1.4 the new Admin Area. But this order is not finally decided and simply depends on when each topic is finished; we’re actively working on both.

Stay up to date!

If there is any news on the developments, I’ll let you know here on the project blog (you may want to subscribe to the RSS feed). Also, feel free to follow FlatPress on Twitter and on Mastodon.

All the best,

Friday, April 16, 2021

Blog / Project interna / An ode to FlatPress - by Edoardo Vacchi

An ode to FlatPress - by Edoardo Vacchi

In 2006, SimplePHPBlog (SPB) was a simple blog engine that stored the contents of a post in text files. At the time WordPress was already one of the most used blog engines. I was starting my first year at the university and I wanted something I could host on a free shared web hosting, easy to customize and with a database that was accessible and easy to backup. For me, SPB at the time checked all the items on this list, and there was a growing community of enthusiasts that provided plugins and themes.

SPB’s simplicity was one of the reasons why it attracted a lot of fans; an international community quickly grew, and from that, a smaller Italian community (SPBItalia) was born too. These communities developed mods and code extensions to customize SPB for their needs. However, the simplicity of its codebase at some point showed its limits. A heavily customized installation of SPB could diverge a lot from the main development line, leaving users with an old, unmaintained, possibly insecure version.

A more modular design could have helped. What makes WordPress great today was the same thing that made it great back in those days: a powerful plug-in API, a theming system, and a vast community that contributed lots of useful plugins and themes, making it easy to customize it, while allowing users to keep up with platform updates.

Luciano Porro (@drudo) founded the SPBItalia forums and developed many themes; Samanta Grasso (SamyWeb) became a moderator shortly after: she was one of the most productive modders and themers in the SPB community. We all met virtually on those forums, and, together, we decided we could do something more.

We released the first FlatPress version on April 15th, 2006. A lot of time has passed since then. I no longer do web development, and a lot of people, especially developers, are now using static website generators instead of dynamic scripting-based blogs. Yet, today marks 15 years from the date, and, to my great surprise, the project is still alive and kicking. This is why, in 2019, I handed over the project to another brave member of the community, Arvid, who is now leading all the future developments of the project.

I still remember fondly those days. Even though I have moved on to different projects, FlatPress has been an important part of my life as a developer.

So, here’s one to you, FlatPress! And, as we say here in Italy: cento di questi giorni!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Blog / Project interna / Happy birthday, FlatPress!

Happy birthday, FlatPress!

Yay, FlatPress turns 15!

Today, your favourite blogging engine celebrates its 15th birthday.

The beginning, …

It was April 16th, 2006 when Edoardo Vacchi a.k.a. NoWhereMan published the very first alpha version of FlatPress. The idea was to have a blogging engine that was as simple as SimplePHPBlog (which he used at this time), but more customizable and extendable.

Since then, FlatPress grew up, the software got more mature, the community, mostly Italian in the beginning, got more and more international. And FlatPress fulfilled Edoardo’s promises: Easy to set up, easy to operate, but also extensibly customizable with its mighty plugin system and its theming engine. And all this without requiring any database system beneath, just working on flat files. Hey, it’s called FlatPress for a reason! :)

But like many other Open Source developers, Edoardo lost more and more of his time to other private and professional obligations over the years. Also, the world had moved on, and many new blogging tools and social networks had risen. And so in July 2018, with a heavy heart he announced the end of FlatPress.

… the transition, …

This is where I entered the stage. I had run my FlatPress powered blog since 2013 and simply didn’t agree with him that FlatPress wasn’t needed any more. I offered him to take over the project, and you, the FlatPress community, encouraged me to do so. So I did.

We revived the project and the software, set up a new support forum, a new knowledge base wiki, a new website, and got publicly more visible on CMS sites, software archives, computer magazines, and of course our Twitter account @FlatPress.

… the present, …

Since then, the FlatPress journey continues with fresh power. And even after 15 years, you might not have unvealed every FlatPress secret: Did you know that the FlatPress engine is the blogging widget in the heavily used web site building kits of Deutsche Telekom and the huge German web hoster Strato? :)

I’m glad I had the chance to continue Edoardo’s (and his mates’!) work. And I am very proud of every single one of you how helped my on this journey. Thank you very much, each and every contributor!

… and the future

What’s next, you ask? Well, we have a version 1.3 to build! Francesco works on a completely new admin panel which looks awesome and waits to be released to first public tests. And thanks to all the folks out there reporting bugs and asking for interesting features, we will never run out of open issues. Like in every good open source project: “So much to do, so little time” ;)

To appropriatly celebrate this anniversary, Edoardo himself has a few words to say. Cheers to you, we will continue to take good care of your project!

All the best,

Image: Derivate of “Birthday Gaming” by cheetah100 - licensed under CC BY 2.0