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NIH: Fogarty International Center NIH: Fogarty International Center
Advancing Science for Global Health
Advancing Science for Global Health

Fogarty International Center

The photo shows retired astronauts Mark and Scott Kelly, identical twin brothers who participated in the NASA Twins Study, stand

Research Roundup: June-December 2024

Fogarty scientists conduct original research in epidemiology and mathematical modeling of diseases, genomic evolution of pathogens, implementation science and population studies. “The Division of International Epidemiology and Population Studies has significantly advanced public health in the U.S.,” said David J. Spiro, PhD, the division’s director.

Issue: Jan/Feb 2025

Global Health Matters Newsletter

Featured News

Headshot of Dr. Kathy Neuzil

Director's Blog
Fogarty’s Director Dr. Kathy Neuzil discusses how the NIH is preparing for the next quarter century and beyond with its emphasis on data science. This includes aiming to make a wealth of biomedical data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable—or FAIR—to research communities.

This photo shows Dr. Mainga Hamaluba of KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme standing outside and wearing a white blouse. She's clinical head of the Kenyan program and leader of the snakebite trial funded by CWR.

Repurposing known drugs to deliver Cures Within Reach
Researchers looking for funding opportunities would be wise to check out Cures Within Reach. The Chicago-based nonprofit finances clinical trials that test approved therapies in new indications.

Global Health Research at Fogarty

Headshot of Dr.  Barclay Stewart

Global Health Fellows & Scholars
Global health researcher helps US military and rural communities: Surgeon Barclay Stewart credits his time as a Fogarty fellow with shaping his career. Today, he specializes in injuries, burns and trauma reconstruction at University of Washington.

Suchi Anand stands outdoor in India

Population health domestically & internationally
Studying chronic kidney disease (CKD) in India: Dr. Shuchi Anand studied CKD in India during her Fogarty fellowship. Her findings have implications for population health in the U.S.

Global Health Research at NIH

Fogarty researchers partner with colleagues around the world for greater impact.

In the first photo on this page, Dr. Jaime Miranda, wearing a red shirt, stands at a podium as he lectures during a GACD meeting.

Peru salt substitute study illustrates NHLBI’s commitment to global health research
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) supported a global health research study designed to examine strategies for controlling hypertension in Peru.

Global Health Research Topics

Fogarty and its NIH partners invest in a variety of research topics vital to global health.

Headshot of George Mensah

Dissemination and implementation research 
Dr. George Mensah discusses his work as NHLBI’s director of the Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science (CTRIS). He's authored 500 manuscripts, abstracts and book chapters.