Buying & Using Medicine Safely
The information in this section can help you work with your health professionals to make the best medicine choices, buy safely, and use medicine so it's as safe and effective as possible.
Learn more about

Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance
Learn when to use, and when not to use, antibiotics to prevent antibiotic resistance.

Counterfeit Medicine
FDA works closely with other federal agencies and the private sector to help protect the nation's drug supply.

Generic Drugs
Learn about the generic drug approval process, why generic drugs are usually less expensive, and other interesting facts and figures.

Medication Health Fraud
Use of medication products marketed with unproven claims or containing hidden drug ingredients could cause serious health problems. Stay informed, know the risks, and prioritize your safety.

Misuse of Prescription Pain Relievers
Using prescription pain relievers incorrectly or for non-medical reasons can lead to abuse, addiction and even death. Learn more.

Quick Tips for Buying Medicines Over the Internet
Learn about how to safely buy prescription medicines online.