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iPaaS self service

Integration guide

Platform Integration Cropped

iPaaS set up guide

Setting up iPaaS for integrating with any third party tool consists of 2 simple steps:

  1. Generate an API Key
  2. Configure Conditions

Setting up New Agent for authentication

Login to Everbridge Manager. If you don’t have an account please reach out to the sales team. Once you have logged in, follow the steps below:


Click on Settings -> Everbridge Open

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Click on iPaaS -> Webhooks -> New Agent

This API Key will need to be passed in every request as a header.

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Authentication: Content-type: application/json

Configuring conditions

Once the agent is configured, create conditions for launching incidents within the Everbridge platform. Conditions determine which template or scenario is launched when request is received by iPaaS.

Click on the agent name and add a new condition.

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Sending API request

Once the condition is set up, you are ready to send API request to iPaaS

Sending an API request to iPaaS, would look like this: POST
JSON Payload

    "header": { 
        "sourceSystemType": "CherwellConnector" 
    "incidentDetails": {
        "Priority": "High",
        "Description": "Email server is down"
    "sourceSystemIncidentInfo": {
        "incidentID": "CH-7238235"
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