It’s the 30th of October, just one day before Halloween and I’m at this time finding the perfect costume to wear is not my major concern. My concern is in fact November the 5th. Not because I am hosting a fireworks display or building a guy. My concern is the Million Mask March (MMM) taking place in London that day. Without going in to the politics of the march it is safe to say that a protest of this size will cause disruption to public services as a minimum and has the potential to be somewhat livelier.
I know about this march because of a notification I received in Everbridge. The NC4 component informed me that this protest was taking place. As I had setup an alert for London I got a notification or feed, telling me of the issue. The feed came in to my Everbridge platform looking like this:

By clicking the button in the top right corner I get to see the location:

So what did I do with that information? Here is an example:
WHERE: The protest will focus in Trafalgar Square and it is likely that protesters will also march down either A: White Hall or B: The Mall on to Horse Guard’s Road, heading for Parliament Square.

IMPACT: There is a high possibility of the march/protest turning violent as it has done in the past. Some of the groups are dedicated to “smashing” various parts of the establishment. Police are on high alert along with other government authorities. Other global organisations and especially banks may be targeted.
NOTES: Extra care should be taken while in the city including dressing down. National Rail, Buses and Tube networks may also be busy. There may be additional Police checks and cordons and ID should be carried.