What are Eventbrite Ads?
Stay ahead of the competition and reach more people with Eventbrite Ads.

Maximize your visibility

Get your event in front of more people
Make your event easy to find on Eventbrite with prominent ads in search results, homepage, category pages — as well as the iOS app and related events.
Expand your reach
Reach more people by using geo-targeting, which lets you promote your event in over 90 cities in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.
Get better results

Drive more clicks
Get more people to see and click on your event. Eventbrite Ads campaigns get 30% better CTR than Facebook Ads*.
Set campaign goals
Pick a goal for your ad, like maximizing your reach or driving more clicks to your event, and our platform will automatically optimize for the best results.
Make the most of your ad budget
The effective cost per click (eCPC) is now over 30% cheaper. Our smart ad system changes bid prices in real-time to help you get the best value for your ads.
Streamline efficiency: list and market your event in one platform

Simplify your advertising
Conveniently create ads that use titles, messaging, and creatives from your event page.
Get smart advertising tips
Our FAQs and guides are full of expert advice to help you create great ads and get more people to come to your events.