
Þessi vara er sérpöntuð. Afhendingartími er breytilegur eftir framleiðendum en tekur a.m.k. 6 til 12 vikur, vinsamlegast sendið fyrirspurn á [email protected] til að fá nánari tímasetningar.

184.500 kr.289.600 kr.

Bæta á óska/gjafalista

Senda fyrirspurn

Vörunúmer: MEPAL-0278


A beautiful and luxurious  mattress topper with a stylish quality design. The inspiration is taken from the traditional Norwegian pattern used in knitting, which is based on stars or bows with eight sharp leaves.

The mattress cover is made of Cairo Cashmere quality which gives a fantastically soft experience. Cairo is a viscose in very high quality that has optimal properties for transporting moisture and regulating heat. Cashmere is a natural wool fiber that is also known for moisture and heat-regulating qualities. The cashmere is knitted into the top layer that is closest to your skin and is crucial for your sleep quality.

Jensen StarRose has an Innergetic® Sonocore Latex filling. The open cell structure in this material provides very good air and moisture flow. The filling material is both perforated and grooved. The perforation provides optimal ventilation and the grooving provides a softer and firmer side. Bacteria and mites do not thrive in latex, making the bed climate  cleaner and healthier.

Innergetic® Sonocore latex with extra stretch feels both embracing and soft, while at the same time letting the zone-divided spring system in the layer below provide the necessary support. Innergetic® Sonocore latex is environmental-friendly and durable.


Innergetic® Sonocore


Nánari upplýsingar

Innergetic® Sonocore

