PCS-ICIS Customized Search

This search allows you to select any data element in PCS to build a tabular report or a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file for downloading.
There are four steps to using this search:
- Select one or more of the subjects listed below, one at a time.
- Select your tables of interest from the subjects selected.
- Select columns (data elements or fields) from the selected tables.
- Enter your search criteria to target specific records from the database.
WARNING: Many PCS tables contain over 1 million rows. Output results greater than 500K (500 thousand bytes) may cause your browser to fail. Please limit your search through specific selection criteria.
Pending migration to a new system, the data for the Permit Compliance System (PCS) will remain frozen in Envirofacts for the following states and territories as of the below listed dates:
- Frozen as of June 6th, 2006: MA, NH, RI, VI, PR, DC, MD, IN, NM, UT, HI, AK, ID
- Frozen as of August, 2006: AS, AT, CT, CZ, FM, GA, GB, GU, JA, MH, MP, MT, MW, NE, NI, NN, NV, NY, PA, PW, SD, SR, TT, UM
- Frozen as of April 24th, 2008: IL
- Frozen as of August 26th, 2008: AR, CA, CO, OK, TN, WI
- Frozen as of June 17th, 2009: TX, LA, GM, AL
- Frozen as of August 11, 2010: MI
- Frozen as of February 17, 2011: MN, MO, OH, FL, KY
- Frozen as of March 2nd, 2012: DE
- Frozen as of Nov 29, 2012: AZ, IA, KS, ME, MS, NC, ND, NJ, OR, SC, VA, VT, WA, WV, WY
Please refer to the ECHO Clean Water Act Search to retrieve updated data for the states frozen in Envirofacts.
Step 1: Start by selecting one subject to be the primary focus of your search by clicking on one of the underlined subject names listed below.
Subject | Subject Description |
Facility Information | Address and other location information about the facility. |
Single Event Violation | A table of violations that are characterized as one-time events that occurred on a fixed date, and are associated with one permitted facility. |
Pipe Schedule - Outfalls | Tables of information about particular discharge points at a permit facility that are governed by effluent limitations and monitoring and submission requirements. |
Effluent Limits - Allowable Discharges | Tables containing restrictions imposed on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of pollutants by the permit. |
Effluent Measurements/Violations | Tables containing restrictions imposed on quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of pollutants by the permit. |
Permit Event | A table of events that track the life-cycle of a permit from issuance to expiration. |
Evidentiary Hearing Event | A table of evidentiary hearing events for a facility with a NPDES permit. |
Pretreatment Assessment Summary | A table of pretreatment assessment reports for a facility with a NPDES permit. |
Compliance Schedules | Activities and associated milestones pertaining to the permit. |
Compliance Schedule Violation | A table of violations that reflect the non-achievement of a given compliance schedule event including the type of violation and type of resolution. |
Inspection | Tables of recorded official visits to a permit facility. |
Reference | A table providing text descriptions that explain the code meanings for each type and each possible code value contained on PCS tables. |