Alopecia Areata and Atopic Dermatitis
NOVEMBER 2021 | ISDS Meeting 2021

Emma Guttman, MD PhD International Eczema Council, Immediate Past-President Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Natasha A. Mesinkovska, MD, PhD National Alopecia Areata Foundation, Chief Science Officer University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Julie K. Block National Eczema Association, President and CEO Novato, CA, USA
Sessions include:
- Pathogenesis of AD and Relevance to Alopecia Areata | Emma Guttman, MD, PhD | New York, NY
- Pathogenesis of Alopecia Areata | Natasha Mesinkovska, MD, PhD | Irvine, CA
- Epidemiology of Alopecia Areata and Atopic Comorbidities | Jonathan Silverberg, MD, MPH, PhD | Washington, D.C.
- Novel treatments of atopic dermatitis (focus on biologics) | Lawrence Eichenfield, MD | San Diego, CA
- Clinical Trails Awareness for the Eczema Community | Wendy Smith-Begolka, MBS | Novato, CA
- Alopecia Areata: Other Emerging Treatment Options | Jerry Shapiro, MD | New York, NY
- Pediatric Alopecia Areata and Role of Atopy | Leslie Castelo-Soccio, MD, PhD | Philadelphia, PA
- JAK inhibitors across AD and alopecia areata | Brett King, MD, PhD | New Haven, CT