Search Knowledge Base by Keyword

This KB documentation is using Advanced Search, Links Editor and Elegant Layouts add-ons.


Setup Polylang for Knowledge Base

Polylang Documentation

To learn more about Polylang features and overall configuration, please refer to their documentation. This article only covers the setup of the Polylang for Echo Knowledge base. 

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In this article we will use English as the primary Language and French as the second language.

This feature requires the Polylang PRO Plugin.

In the free version of Polylang, you cannot change the Main Page URL for the article URLs and the Category Archive Page URLs. See example below.

Polylang (Free) English Version

  • KB Main Page:
  • Article Page:
  • Category Archive Page:

Polylang (Free) French Version

  • KB Main Page:
  • Article Page:
  • Category Archive Page:


In the above example, the RED slugs can only be changed via the Polylang PRO plugin. Read more about this in the Polylang documentation:

Translating URLS slugs

Once you have Polylang PRO installed and activated, you can update KB URLs as follows:

  1. Choose the language you wish to translate.
  2. Click on the Languages menu.
  3. Click on the Strings translations.
  4. Translate your KB main page URL.
  5. Translate your KB Main page URL and Category slugs.
  6. Translate your KB Main page URL and Tag slugs
  7. Save your changes.
Update your French URLs
Click to zoom

If you are having issues with the translation of KB pages, categories and tags with Polylang, try the following:

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