Search Knowledge Base by Keyword

This KB documentation is using Advanced Search, Links Editor and Elegant Layouts add-ons.


Import and Export Scenarios

Convert Posts and Documents into KB Articles

Transfer articles and documents from other software into Echo Knowledge Base.

Read Instructions
Import your documentation from third-party software

After exporting your documentation from third-party software into a CSV file, use the "Import Articles CSV" option to import it into your knowledge base.

How to Import CSV File
Add or Update KB Articles using CSV

Use a CSV file to easily create or update articles in your knowledge base. CSV files can be created and managed in MS Excel, Google Sheets, Notepad++, or other spreadsheet editors. Contact us if you have any questions.

How to import CSV file
Allow Non-WordPress Users to Add and Edit Articles

Use a CSV file to enable anyone to edit or add articles using familiar tools like MS Excel, Google Sheets, Notepad++, and others. This option helps you:

  • Streamline collaboration: Avoid creating unnecessary WordPress accounts for those who only need to submit or edit articles.
  • Empower contributors: Make it easy for inexperienced users or team members to update articles and contribute to your knowledge base.
  • Consolidate content: Gather submissions from various sources and integrate them into your knowledge base.

Contact us here if you have any questions.

How to import CSV file
Copy or Move Individual Articles

Depending on the number of articles you need to transfer, you can either use a third-party plugin or the Articles Import and Export add-on:

Convert Posts into KB Articles

Convert your existing WordPress posts into KB articles.

Read Instructions
Migrate or Copy Your Knowledge Base

To migrate or copy your knowledge base, follow these steps:

  1. Export Articles, Categories, and Tags: Use the Articles Import and Export add-on to export your articles, categories, tags, and images from your existing knowledge base in CSV or XML format.
  2. Import into New Knowledge Base: Import the exported file into your new knowledge base using the same add-on.
  3. Migrate Settings: Use the Export and Import KB Settings feature to transfer your knowledge base settings to the new website.
Import, Export, and Migrate Specific Articles

Transfer articles between knowledge bases using the Articles Import and Export add-on. Export articles in CSV or XML format from one knowledge base and seamlessly import them into another while selecting which articles to import and export.

Export and Import KB Settings
Back Up Your Knowledge Base

To back up your knowledge base articles, follow the instructions in the article below.

How to backup KB
Export/Import Knowledge Base Configuration

Export and import your knowledge base settings to back up your configuration or synchronize settings across multiple knowledge bases.

How to backup KB
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