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Our data pathfinders guide you by topic to the data, tutorials, and tools you need for your research.

Featured News and Events

Learn more about the NASA Commercial Satellite Data Acquisition (CSDA) program vendor GHGSat and how to discover, access, and work with their commercial methane emissions data products.

Featured Data Tools

From discovery to visualization, our data tools simplify and streamline your research.

Worldview offers the capability to interactively browse over 1,200 global, full-resolution satellite imagery layers and download the underlying data.
Vertex is a graphical search interface for finding synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data.
Giovanni is a web application for accessing, visualizing, and analyzing Earth science remote sensing data without downloading the data.

Open Science

We empower a collaborative scientific process through the open sharing of data and knowledge. Our open data, services, and software policies ensure that data are fully available to any user for any purpose.

Earth Science Data Systems 2024 Fiscal Year Highlights

This bar chart and line graph shows total data volume and data files distributed by year for fiscal year 2024.
This is a chart showing the data archive growth projection up to fiscal year 2024.

+4.5 billion

files distributed to end users

8+ million

distinct data and service users

128+ petabytes

of Earth science data available