The module provides a library and stream wrapper of Cloudinary service.
It can help user easily to use Cloudinary image transformation in Drupal, and it can convert all drupal default image effects into Cloudinary transformations.
This module includes several sub-modules, some modules can be used alone as other modules.
Provides image transformations of Cloudinary, implements hook_image_effect_info().
Provides image style feature with Cloudinary image transformations.
Auto convert image effects (Crop, Desaturate, Resize, Rotate, Scale, Scale and crop) of drupal's image style into Cloudinary image transformations, without patch.
Provides stream wrappers to access Cloudinary files (images, raw files). Support read and write with "cloudinary[.folder]".
So you can easily upload your images to Cloudinary with default drupal method based on stream wrapper "cloudinary://".
And this module has a hook let user can easily convert other image effects to Cloudinary transformation, cloudinary module has been use this hook to implement Cloudinary transformation for drupal default image effects.
Provides storage file structure of Cloudinary to local, it will be load file structure from storage to reduce network requests and improve loading speed for uploaded Cloudinary files.
Also it has several sub-modules to implement storage based on db, filesystem, mongodb, redis.
- cloudinary_storeage_db - Save file structure into drupal database.
- cloudinary_storeage_file - Save file structure into filesystem.
- cloudinary_storeage_mongodb - Save file structure into mongodb, require Mongodb.
- cloudinary_storeage_redis - Save file structure into redis, require Redis.
Support library of Cloudinary SDK for the other modules. Implements hook_libraries_info() (Drupal 7).
- Libraries (Drupal 7)
- symfony/property-access (Drupal 9/10)
- Cloudinary SDK for PHP
- Cloudinary API Account
Test (Drupal 7)
Drush make file
On github repository https://github.com/everright/cloudinary_drush_make, it include a drush make file for you to test cloudinary module quickly.
You just need to clone the make files, then drush make it and install your drupal site.
Drupal 8/9/10
We've extended the configuration, there are a bunch of new settings that are available for Cloudinary free and premium accounts.
Cloudinary SDK is now 2.11, it's supported by all PHP versions. It will be installed automatically by installing the module by Composer.
New sub modules are available:
Provides integration with Media and Cloudinary media library widget. Defines Cloudinary media source
Provides integration with Cloduinary Video. Supports HTML5 video and Cloudinary player.
Migrate from 2.x to 3.x
See detail guide here https://git.drupalcode.org/project/cloudinary/-/blob/3.0.x/modules/cloud...
Project information
- Module categories: Media, Integrations
- Ecosystem: Drupal Media, Cloudinary Integration
105 sites report using this module
- Created by jribeiro on , updated
Stable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
There are currently no supported stable releases.