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The journal of the School of Celtic Studies

Celtica is the School’s peer-reviewed journal. Since its first appearance in 1946 it has published pioneering work in all aspects of Celtic Studies, including linguistics, literature, manuscript studies, textual criticism, history, law, dialect studies and onomastics. It covers all of the Celtic languages and all periods from the earliest inscriptions to the spoken languages of the present day. Since 2016, Celtica has become an annual journal that appears regularly towards the end of each calendar year.

Celtica 36 is now available.

Celtica 37 is currently being edited and will appear later in the year.

Submissions for Celtica 38 are now begin sought.

Articles for submission to Celtica should be sent to celtica@celt.dias.ie not later than the end of November each year for publication in the following year. All articles will be subject to peer-review. Contributors are requested to adhere to the Celtica guidelines for authors.

Celtica offers green open access. The Board of the School of Celtic Studies has approved the following statement of policy:

‘A contribution to Celtica may on application be deposited in post print form in an institutional online research repository (green open access). Any author who wishes to do so should indicate this to the editors of Celtica at the time of submission. Celtica will normally allow the subsequent deposit of the final published version twelve months after the date of publication of the journal.’

The current editors of Celtica are Professor Ruairí Ó hUiginn and Professor Barry Lewis.

A full list of contents is available. Printed copies of Celtica can be purchased from our online bookshop.

Publication ethics.